Chapter 14: Escape From Home Sweet Home (Part 3)

Start from the beginning

Y/n: What the? How did I end up here and why am I all tied up?

???: We didn't want you to escape here, Angel.

Y/n: Angel? Who said that?

???: It's me, Y/n? Don't you remember me and my friends?

Y/n: (Looks to his side to see DogDay and pickypiggy) Huh? DogDay? PickyPiggy?

DogDay: You remember us! That's great! We're so happy to see you again, buddy? How ya been?

PickyPiggy: Have a nice nap on your old bed, buddy?

Y/n: Wait? This is my bed?

PickyPiggy: Well, yeah. Your name is etched on the headboard on your first week at the orphanage remember?

Y/n then looked up to see his name on the headboard and he definitely remembers that when he first started staying at the orphanage.

Y/n: Oh yeah. I do remember that. But I can't play with you guys and I know it's wonderful to see you guys once again, but I need to get out of here before-

???: Before what?

Y/n: Huh? Catnap?

Then CatNap appeared from the darkness, and she looked very happy and excited to see Y/n again after so many years.

Y/n: CatNap? Is that really you? Am I having another Nightmare?

CatNap: Of course it's me, Y/n. You're not having another nightmare this time. I'm just so happy that you've finally returned back home with us after so many years that we've been trapped here. I hope you had a nice nap and those nightmares you had didn't bother you too much.

Y/n: What happened to you and what happened around here? Explain to me!

CatNap: My dear boy~ There is no need for you to be that impatient. We have all of the time in the world for me to explain everything because we've been here for a long, long time. You see, ever since I first met you at the orphanage, I knew that you didn't have any friends to play with you, so I took the opportunity to give you what you truly desire, to be happy and have a best friend to look after you and protect you from harm.


Then we cut over to some flashbacks of both Y/n and CatNap interacting each other in y/n's Dream after Y/n got a dose of CatNap's sleeping gas that led him to the Dream Realm that felt all too real.

Y/n: Whoa....what is this place? Am I dreaming?

???: Hello, Y/n.

Y/n: Huh? Who said that?

???: Over here, Y/n.

Then Y/n looked at the side of his bed to see CatNap standing right beside him as he is both surprised and shocked to see CatNap alive inside his dream.

Y/n: CatNap? You're alive.

CatNap: Oh, I'm more than alive, Y/n. This is your dream. Would you like to be my friend?

Y/n: What? We can't be friends. You're just a toy.

CatNap: Oh really? Could just a toy be talking and walking on its own?

Y/n: That's a good point. I don't see any problem with that. I guess we can be friends.

CatNap: Splendid. Would you like to play a game with me?

Y/n: Sure. What game do you want to play?

CatNap: Any game is fine by me. This is your dream after all. I promise you will have the best night of your life. We're gonna be great friends.

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