Pond : Buddy aren't you going to drop ven

Joong : I am not well

Pond : What happened

Joong : Well my head hurts

Pond : You need medicines  ??

Joong : No it will be fine

Pond : You sure ??

Joong : Yeahh

Pond : let me check

Joong : No it's alright you can go it's just a headache it will not last long

Pond sighted Even though he is a doctor he hates to eat medicine

Pond: Call Phu or me if you need anything

Joong : Mm




Everyday morning dunk usually see joong dropping ven but today he didn't it made him a bit  confused

Dunk : Pond where is Joong

Pond : He is not well

Dunk : What happened

Dunk was worried

Pond : Headache

Dunk : Umm ohh

Dunk seems to think

Dunk :  pond can I visit him

Pond seems to surprise by his answer

Pond : Umm yeah sure you can




When dunk reached pondphuwins house he saw it's not closed

Dunk entered

Dunk : Joong where are you

He shouted

Dunk doesn't hear any noises he saw in one of the rooms upstairs open

He quickly climbed up and check

He was right it was joongs room . When he gets there he saw joong laying on the bed

He gets near and touch his forehead he was surprised

He have high temperature

He have already medicines incase of its need .He quickly poured some water from the nearby jug

He quickly helped him to take the medicine

He checked his temperature after a few time

He knows he should help him so without thinking twice .Even though he is shy dunk helped him to remove his clothes and give a quick sponge bath

After that he dressed him


Dunk cooked Porridge and feed joong

Dunk : joong open your mouth

Joong obediently heard him

After feeding him .He helped him wash his mouth and helped him to lay down




It was time for Dunk to leave . Joong was already getting better

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