TWO - Are you ready?

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It was the next day. He woke up refreshed as always. He decided he was gonna go to the gym. Usually, if he wants to gym, he goes to his house gym. But he decided he wanted to go to a public gym. Cause why not?

He got up and showered. He changed his clothes to a white t-shirt and shorts which is colored black. He grabbed his headphones and went to the kitchen.

Before he got there he was greeted with his maid, Ms. Sayunoko. She has stayed with Gyuvin his whole life. She was around 58 years old. Gyuvin knew she was getting old so he never really gave her alot of tasks to do. Neither did his parents. But she insisted to fill his water up for him.

After Ms. Sayunoko fillled his bottle up, she gave her a thank you and wore his shoes. He asked his one of his Butlers to tell his parents hes going to the gym. And hes off.

He wanted to walk, but of course someone has to come with him. Its one of his bodyguards, who is also his close friend. The names Seok Matthew. They talked the whole way to the gym. But when they made it, Gyuvin insisted he came in alone. So he did!

He met alot of people he knew from the city. Gyuvin was always a person who can talk whenever. If you asked him to talk, he will.

After the day at the gym, he felt very tired.

"Tired?" matthew asked, looking him up and down.

"Very... My feet are shaking!" Gyuvin complained. He should have never came to the public gym. He always struggles getting home.

"Want me to carry you?" Matthew said, smiling while looking at him

"Matthew, im not a baby. You don't need to carry me."

"but i do"

"You dont."

"Come here!" Matthew tried to pick me up.

Before he almost picked me up, someone pushed him away. Not to hard, but hard enough to send him almost falling to the ground.

"What are you doing?" I looked up and it was, Ricky? The guy from yesterday! What was he doing here

"What are YOU doing to gyuvin?" he said grabbed my hand from his hand. Which i didn't notice.

"Tch, what do you mean? Hes going to be my husband, or you could say, wife." Ricky said, glaring at matthew.

"Okay okay. Listen, Ricky, first. Hes my bodyguard. Hes here to protect me. Second, why are you here?"

"I was going to a meeting them i bumped into you." Ricky replied. Still glaring at matthew with him glaring at him back.

"Okay thats enough glaring." Gyuvin daid as he pushed matthew away, not having the GUTS to push Ricky away. Before he also continued "Just go one with your meeting Ricky. Don't run late. Bye!"

Gyuvin grabbed matthew and walked away. 'We didn't even know each other?! And hes already getting possessive?' Gyuvin thought.

He yapped to matthew while matthew gave his opinions and listened closely.

When they got home Gyuvin cleaned himself up and wore home clothes.

He watched a movie he waited ages to finally be able to watch. "My Demon". He watched it in his room as he was drinking his water. He eventually fell alseep.


Its the day. Kim Gyuvins birthday! When its Gyuvins birthday, his family would go every where together. Everyone would cancel plans and just go as a family and find something fun to do. Gyuvin honestly loved this tradition. It made him feel happy.

But this time, its diffrent. They were going to a resturant. And it wasn't until 6pm.

When Gyuvin was getting ready, his bestfriend Yujin decided to face call him out of no where.

Gyuvin answered the phone



"Okay okay! Thanks Yujin, appriciate it!"

"R you going anywhere?"

"Yeah as always"

"Family trio day?"

"Nope. Were going to a resturant to meet someone."

"Ohohohoh. Who is it?" yujin said curiously.

"I'll tell you when its official."

"Wait, whats official? Whos official? What do you mean off-" before Yujin could finish, gyuvin hanged up.


Gyuvin and his family were at the resturant waiting for the Shen family.

Once the Shen family arrived everyone got up. It was the exact same people from yesterday, but  there was his sister and his mom. Who looks extremely gorgeous. Gyuvin thought.

"Hello Gyuvin! This is Rickys little sister, Vicky. Say hello Vicky." Mr. Shen said. Warmingly

"Your the one marrying my brother?... Uhm. Okay. Rickys little sister said as she looked Gyuvin up and down.

"Vicky." Ricky said, glaring at her before she put her hand out.

She looked as if she was around 12. Very far from Ricky's age.

After everybody settled down, Rickys dad and Gyuvins father insisted Gyuvin and Ricky sit next to each other. They both just agreed cause they didn't have no choice anyways.

The rest of the night was pretty much just some stuff about the wedding Gyuvin and Ricky had to know about. Gyuvin didn't have to worry about any of the clothes. He just had to choose between 2. The flowers were already set. White roses. And the rings, venue, cake, everything is ready. Everything was going perfect. For Gyuvins father.

Gyuvin was still not sure if he wanted to marry a man he has never knew before. Why would you wanna marry a man you wouldn't know? Right?

After they finally stopped talking, turns out there all going to a hotel to be more early to get ready. Gyuvin didn't mind but Ricky clearly did mind with his annoyed face..

They went into there car to go into there hotel.

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