The Painter's Emotions

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A cold, windy night, in the apartment 263, a woman, who was in her room, painting her canvas. Astria, who majors in Arts, who is painting her portrait to present tomorrow. She's been stressing for the entire week just decide of what to paint.

She finally had something in her mind, as she strokes paintbrush. A portrait of a gorgeous field filled with beautiful flowers, with two people sitting down on a bench, as one person is pointing at the sky, feeling happy while the other admires the person, with a soft smile on it's face.

Astria, painting this portrait, feel jealous of her own painting. She longed for having a partner, as she never experienced having a partner before. Either a man or woman, she doesn't care, as long as she had a partner with her who cares for her.

"..Finally, I'm done."

Astria Glair Woods, 21, is a student from Arcadia Arts School. Some professors think of her as a talented arts student, especially some of the students. But despite all that, she still thinks she's unworthy of her paintings. Some say that her paintings have a soothing taste with a hint of sadness, her paintings are full of emotion. That's what makes her paintings unique among the students.

Today, is the last day to present her painting. She took a deep breath before entering the school. A lot of students are greeting her as she greeted back. She's considered to be a popular student in this school, so it's normal for her to have greetings like this. The greetings continued as she went in her studio and closed the door. She hugged her knees, feeling exhausted that she doesn't have enough sleep.

"Tired as always?"

She looked up to see her best friend, as he had two bubble teas in his hands.

"Hey, Kion.."

Kion Barnes is her best friend since her first day in Arcadia Arts school. She's entirely nervous when she's here and he approached her, trying to comfort Astria. Fortunately, he calmed her down. He's been always by her side until now.

"Thanks for the boba, Kion." She said as she slowly get her bubble tea.

"No probs, just here to help, Ria."

"..You still call me that?"

He says in a sarcastic tone "Your name has too many syllables."

"It's just three syllables, Kion."

"Yeah, yeah.."

She placed her portrait on the table, Kion was stunned.

"Woah, pretty cool as always, Ria."

" took me all night.."

"ALL NIGHT!? No wonder you look really, really sleepy."

"'re concerned about me, are you.." She says as she looks at you with her sleepy eyes.

"Well why can't I? Your health is your top priority now."

He sighs, "I know.. you just don't want to ruin your reputation."

She turns to look at her portrait, feeling down, she stares at it so long that she came in trance that she felt being disappointed. All her students laughing at her, mocking her, being made fun of, she felt sacred.

"..Ria.. Ria..? Astria?"

She perks up as Kion called her name.

"..Still imagining negative stuff?"


"Hmm.. you definitely need rest, I'll wake you up, don't worry."

Hi! Thanks for reading this story of mine! This is my first time making this kind of thing. I hope you can still support me!

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