kisses and betrayal part 2 (𝓇𝑒𝑔𝒾𝓃𝒶)

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   I've always had a crush on Regina. I never pursued it because she had a boyfriend. I had gotten used to seeing Regina obsess over Aaron. So it never occurred to me she was into girls. When I made it home I left Regina alone. I stopped trying to contact her. I figured she was content with Aaron. One morning I woke up and saw she had sent me a message and then unsent it.

   I had always wondered what she sent but I left it alone the same way I planned on leaving Regina alone when we went back to school. I planned to stay far away from Regina and never bring it up. I didn't even get through the first week of school until it was brought up. Regina told everyone I was crazy in love with her. She told everyone I kissed her even though she had a boyfriend. So everyone believed her and I started getting bullied for it.

   This incident turned Regina into the Queen Bee. She even developed the Plastics. Since everyone was talking about it and felt bad for her, meanwhile people would make kissy noises at me. Some girls would come up to me and ask "You don't have a crush on me right?" Kids would whisper things about me in the hallway. The football team always said things like "Don't turn my girlfriend 'Imi'ke." I always replied by flipping them off.

   It was a hard time for me. I could handle the things people said. It hurt more since my best friend had started it. I had lost my best friend and on top of that, she betrayed me. The only good thing about this time was that I met Damian. After a couple of weeks, the bullying died down. People moved on to another rumor. Once in a while, I would get dirty looks but I learned to live with it.

   When I saw Regina in the hallway she was different. She created this mean girl persona. Regina used to be a nice person. At least to me, she was until she betrayed me. Sometimes I could feel her glares at me. It was like she wanted to walk up to me but never did.

   So giving her the bars didn't seem like a bad idea at the time. She had caused me so much pain why couldn't I let her suffer a little bit. I explained to Cady my plan that she could give Regina the bars to gain weight. Damian kept saying it was a bad idea. I didn't care Regina deserved it. She was going to die from gaining a couple of pounds.

   The next day Cady brought the bars to school. She sat at the Plastics table at lunch and I could see from across the room Regina was examining the bar. Then she started eating it. I knew it was wrong but I felt satisfaction. After a couple of weeks, I noticed Regina started gaining a little bit of weight. Cady and I would meet up once a week to talk about Regina.

    It seemed like Cady was turning into a plastic too. I thought she was just trying to play the part. Until I realized it wasn't an act anymore. She started changing her clothes and started being an asshole. I particularly noticed this in the lunch room. Regina brought her lunch tray to the table. She was wearing sweatpants that day. Gretchen said she couldn't sit there. Regina shrugged and sat down anyway "Sweat pants are the only thing that fit me."

   That's when Gretchen yelled at her catching everyone's attention. Regina stood there for a second in shock Gretchen stood up to her. Then Cady leaned against the table and crossed her legs "Yeah you can't sit here." Regina slammed her tray on the table. Then walk into the bathroom angrily. I pretended like I split something on my shirt "I'll be right back." I told Damian then followed Regina into the bathroom.

I stood behind the wall and I watched Regina. She was standing in front of the mirror. Holding her stomach crying and saying awful things about herself. She kept repeating she wouldn't fit into her prom dress next month. I felt an overwhelming feeling of guilt. I know Regina had ruined my life but now I was ruining hers. I had taken it too far Cady started replacing Regina at North Shore.

   I decided this needed to end so I went back to my lunch table. I sent Cady a text "Can we meet after school?" She replied fairly quick "It's not Thursday." I texted her back "I know but we need to talk." She left me on read so I angrily turned my phone off. When the bell rang everyone was rushing off to their next class. I pulled Cady aside while she was walking down the hall with Plastics "Cady are we meeting today?" Nonchalantly she said, "Yeah chill out stress isn't a good look for you." Before I could even reply to her she walked away.

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