"You guys watched the Emmy's awards?" I ask both Charles and Pierre.

"We didn't actually watch it but our instagram was flooded with reviews about your dresses" they explain and I nodded.

I greeted the rest of the drivers as well including Lewis, Lando, Max and Daniel and so far I liked this party.

After daniel greeted me tho, he turned to Chloe and offered her a drink and I watched her at the bar having the time of her life and at this moment I don't think I was regretting going to this party anymore.

I walked to the bar desperately wanting a drink and as I drink my first shot of tequila, I look around to see no one but Carlos.

He had a girl on his lap, he was sticking his tongue down her throat while not breaking eye contact with me.

The moment felt intimidating but I remained eye contact with him, it's like we were challenging ourselves to look away but no one wants to lose.

After I finally had enough of the scene, I turned my back to them and walked away.

I saw Pierre on the dance floor looking as wasted as I was so I joined him.

He snaked his hands around my waist and pulled me closer so now I was grinding against him, he had his hands all over me and this time it was my turn to not break eye contact with Carlos.

His eyes were on me watching Pierre's hands carefully as they wrapped their way around my body, he was standing in a dark corner leaning against the wall while talking to Charles but I bet by the way he was looking at me, he wasn't hearing a word coming from Charles mouth.

If he can play then I can play harder.

"Do you want another drink?" Pierre asks and I nod without hesitation, I need to get the disgusting picture of Carlos and this girl out of my mind.

Just before I go back to dancing, someone grabbed my arm and was heading to the back door of the club.

I looked up to see it was Carlos.

The moment we exit the club from the back door I pulled my arm back.

"What the hell are you doing?" I asked the alcohol in my system making me feel more furious than I normally am.

"You tell me, what the fuck did you tell your father?" He asks and my heart drops.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"Telling him I invited you? Really?" He said.

"Did you tell him the truth?" I asked hoping for him to say that he didn't.

"No because he was so rushed and had a meeting when he called me but I will tell him" he says and my heart rate starts going faster.

"Ok look I'm sorry about what I said at the airport I went too far but please don't tell my dad I was lying" I said desperately.

"Why wouldn't I?" Carlos said and a smirk began forming in his lips.

"You know what, just go back to the blonde inside I'm sure by now she thinks you bailed on her or something" I said because there's no way I'm begging Carlos to keep a secret, as Chloe said if my dad figures out I was lying then I'll surely have something to tell him by then, I always do.

"What? Are you jealous now?" He says while his smirk was widening even more.

"Jealous? Please, if I could I would've cut your tongue to save all these poor women from tasting your venom" I said scoffing at the idea of me jealous over Carlos.

"Oh I think we both know that my venom can go perfectly with yours" he says pushing me against the wall and I wince at the pain my head went through as it hit the wall.

I looked back at him and he had hunger in his eyes like he wanted to consume me, I never lost control in front of someone but when it comes to Carlos I always felt helpless like there's no escape from him.

When I realized he was leaning closer, I pushed him as hard as I can causing him to just stumble back a few steps and I took the opportunity to run back inside.

The moment I stepped back inside the club, I was met with Pierre's eyes.

"Are you okay?" He asked looking worried as he recognized my panting.

"Yeah I'm fine" I said trying to shake off what just happened.

"Well then here's your drink" he said and we both head back to where the drivers were sitting.

There was no sight of both Daniel and Chloe but when I opened my phone, I saw that she left a message saying that she went back to the hotel with Daniel and I smiled excitedly at the text.

"Your arms are shaking" Charles said with concern written all over his face.

"I think I'm just dizzy" of course I wasn't but my arms always did that when I was too frustrated, they just start slightly shivering but of course I wasn't gonna tell Charles that.

When I looked around I saw Carlos ordering another drink and I was already imagining how hungover he was gonna feel tomorrow but I needed to forget our encounter so I shifted my gaze to Pierre again.

Pierre and I kept talking for the next few hours and honestly I think he expected a one night stand but as much as I enjoyed talking to him, I didn't have any energy to do anything tonight, thanks to a certain Spanish driver.

So I just went back to my hotel room and tried to forget the worry I had from Carlos telling my father, I don't wanna go back to Madrid this quickly, I've just arrived to Bahrain and I was finally able to have some fun and I don't want either my father or Carlos to ruins his for me.

A/N: trying as much as I can to make this story a slow burn because I don't want to rush things...

All mine | Carlos Sainz Where stories live. Discover now