Chapter « 4 »

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It was already a week far from race day and Chloe and I were already on our way to Bahrain.

At this moment, I was starting to regret going in the first place, I would've gone to any party around the world but I chose to party with 20 F1 drivers and not to mention one of them hopes he never sees me again.

The moment we landed in Bahrain, I felt the humid air hit me straight in the face because of how warm it is.

"I think I'm gonna melt" I say to Chloe who's already fanning herself.

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"You look nervous" Chloe asks as we both get ready to the party tonight.

"I am, what if my dad calls Carlos and not care that I told him he was busy" I ask.

"Then I'm sure we'll figure out something by then but till now, we didn't hear that neither of them knew you were lying so you're good" Chloe reassured me and I calmed down a bit.

I decided to upload on my story a hint of what I was going to wear so I can get my mind off of the stress over going to this party.


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I called Charles once we were outside the club because I had no idea where to go.

Charles waved over the VIP area from a far and Chloe and I both went towards him as he lead us inside the VIP section.

"You look beautiful" Charles said leaning closer to me so I can hear him.

"Thank you" I said.

"Come on let me introduce you to the rest of the drivers" he said.

Once we approach the rest of the drivers, I greet most of the drivers but somehow Carlos wasn't there or at least I didn't see him yet.

"Guys this is aria martinez, the fashion icon herself" Charles introduces me, now that's a way to introduce someone.

Pierre was the first one to greet me.

"Enchanté, I'm Pierre Gasly" he introduces himself and I shake his hand.

"I can't believe that I'm meeting THE aria martinez, the Emmy's awards charmer" Pierre says and I raise my eyebrows impressed that he paid attention to my dresses at the Emmy's awards.

All mine | Carlos Sainz Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora