chapter 5: April Fools

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Tony pov

I checked the system and there are at least 50 Peter's who intern here. finding the Peter who has been texting us will be a whole lot harder. I decided to let the interns pull pranks on the Avengers. When I gathered the interns up I told them "okay so there's going to be April Fools' prank war on April 1st and whoever pulls the best prank gets to be my personal intern." All of the interns cheered

Peter's pov

I know I will win this prank war. First I need to gather up all of my materials so I go to the store and I buy at least 5 pounds of glitter and I head back I'm going to mr.starks room and start setting it up a simple contraption to where when you open the door glitter will be dumped on him but that's not all I've set up a Rube Goldberg machine and then the pink panther song will loop 100 times. But then I get a message on my phone

Private chat

Birdbrain: I know who you are

Peter: who am I

Birdbrain: Peter Parker

Peter: ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ദ്ദി(• ˕ •マ.ᐟ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

Birdbrain: so am I right

Peter: yes

Tony's pov

It's April 1st so I brace myself. When I walk in the door i see nothing new but when I walk into my office glitter is dumped on me and then I hear that annoying pink panther song. I hear laughing and see I boy with brown curls. I notice that a Rube Goldberg machine is set up and that the Peter that I have been texting once told me about them. " YOU!" I shout "YOUR THE KID I'VE BEEN TEXTING!"

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