Part 18

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Aman was waiting for Arnav to come, because there is a meeting with the foreign delegates and he arranged the conference hall but Arnav was late and once he came both Arnav and Aman left to conference hall without any delay.

Arnav and Aman came out of the conference hall in the late afternoon and complete their lunch with them, which was successful. As soon as Aman came out of the hall, he got the call and went aside to receive it. Arnav left to his cabin.

Completing his call Aman came to Arnav's cabin and stood in front of him, Arnav without raising his head from the laptop asked "What happened Aman, why are you not speaking anything?"

"ASR, I got a call from our source who are following Khushiji and Payalji," started Aman which spur the interest in Arnav, and gave his full attention on the topic.

"They completed their breakfast and left for the temple from there, they were about to go to job hunt but before they had taken an auto OUR canteen owner Manju met them and, because Khushiji and Manju are associates when Khushiji worked in AR, they talked for some time. During the talk Manju told them that her tenure in the canteen will complete by next week and she wants to return to her village and offered them her utensils and also told them to apply for the contract. Payalji readily agreed but Khushiji was little hesitant because of Akash and both wants to discuss this further with their family and come to a conclusion.

That is the report till now and now both are going back to their home and I think by the end of the day they may come to a decision, ASR," said Aman concluding the day's report.

"Hmmm... OK, what about the report from Rahul," asked Arnav.

"He did not call me till now, may be, I will get in an hour or two," said Aman. Seeing Arnav, Aman understood that he is think and gave him time and silently sat they're for few minutes but still Arnav did not speak so he was about to get up when Arnav said, "Aman, what happened to the equipment and material which are in the floor below us?"

"Just a moment, ASR," saying this he called floor management department and talked to them.

"Today afternoon all the material and equipment are shifted to the warehouse we built recently and now the floor is completely empty," said Aman. Just few days before Arnav bought a new ware house near AR, where all the material and equipment which are related to them are shifted because of lack of space in the floor below them, because of the expansion of the business, now only Arnav can tell how the empty floor will be in use.

Arnav started packing his laptop and others and Aman also stood to go, when Arnav said "Aman, instruct all the staff members that no one, I mean NOONE will say any word against Payal and Khushi, if they speak even a letter against them then..." and left his office to go home to face one drama going to happen in Shantivan, where there is no Shanti thought Arnav.


Arnav and Manohar reached RM at the same time and saw that Anjali was crying on the shoulder of her Nani and Mami was sitting beside them but her facial expression was neutral and Shyam was sitting opposite to them with a shameful expression and head bowed. Just then Akash entered, carrying his laptop bag, Arnav asked Akash, "I did not see you in the office today," "I came bhai, I went to meet Mr. Rakesh Dodiya for the lunch meet, I was about to go to office, when papa called me and told me to reach home, so I informed Aman and came home," said Akash.

Arnav checked his messages and there was a message from Aman saying that Akash informed him and went home.

Manohar Shaked his head and went to see what happened and prepared himself to face the new drama to unfold.

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