We also know that Arnavji is not Akashji, we saw how Arnavji defended us from the start, didn't he help Akashji in talking about our relation to the family or during shagun when maa... I mean Manoramaji was bad-mouthing about our gifts didn't he defend us, I know when Raizada's were humiliating us about that man... Shyamji and Khushi, Arnavji if he stood in front of us, we could not do anything, but he did not even say anything, he kept quiet, and we know he will never be quiet to defend or attack anyone but since there are no proofs he did not speak, I know very well that once he gets proof he will definitely do something . I'm saying all this after thinking a lot, yesterday after Khushi slept I was awake and I was remising the last few days from that I concluded all this.

We should not come in between those two, if they are meant for each other then why should we come in between.

From last two days, Khushi is sad but as usual she is smiling and thinking about me and us, but what about her, she is missing him, whenever I saw her alone, she was always thinking and I know my sister very well she was thinking about the moments she spent with Arnavji. I caught her many times thinking deeply, and I know behind her smile of hers there is sadness which she was trying very hard to cover it. She always tries to do so much for all of us and for me especially, then why can't I do the same for the one person who is so much to me.

And if you are both thinking, how can I face Akashji, let me ask you, if in future, which will happen definitely, if we get the proposal of Arnavji for Khushi are you going to deny it saying I can't face Akashji, and do you think Arnavji will be away from Khushi for more than a week after they came so far.

If Khushi is going to get her happiness, then why should we come in between, she always sacrificed for us then why should we let her sacrifice her happiness which is Arnavji. If Arnav will come for Khushi, which will happen, then can we stop him, he is a storm, which can only be faced but cannot be stopped.

If you are thinking about me then let me assure you, I can face Akashji, or let me at least try to face him. Let me show him that I'm not someone to push-over. Buaji did you forget, when once Arnavji bought Khushi home unconscious, how I fired on him, then I will definitely will not be quiet if he does something wrong.

Please let us do something we like, it's really a good proposal and Manju didi is giving us consideration, then why not we take the offer. Please Amma, Please Buaji," requested Payal.

Garima and Madhumati both started thinking about what Payal said, they know whatever Payal said about Khushi and Arnav is true, they observed how they were always steal glances with each other and always were found with each other and find excuses to spend time, and when she was unconscious during one of the rituals, he was beside her and was tensed until she got her conscious.

"Betiya, we agree to what ever you said but give us some time to think over it. we will tell you our decision after our dinner, OK," said Garima and Madhumati nodded her head, Khushi returned just in time when Garima was saying that they will say their decision after dinner, she understood that Payal tried to convinced both her amma and buaji, but before speaking to them she wants to talk to Payal.

Khushi took Payal inside to talk to her and Payal know that Khushi wants them not to take the proposal because of her, so Payal lead Khushi to sit in front of Devi Maiya status which is kept on her desk. Once both sisters sat, before Khushi could say some thing Payal started, "Khushi, I know what you are thinking, I agree that facing Akashji may be or may not be a hard for me, we don't know that until I face him, but that is not the point here first tell me something, tell me if you just think about the proposal only about the proposal and not about any person related to it, don't you think that's the type of job we are looking for, will it not be best for our career and to support our family." Khushi did not speak for few minutes and thought about what Payal said.

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