Rejection (Kaguya)(Boy)

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This contains obsession,possessiveness,slight kidnapping,censored bad words,slight death & slight torture

If you're uncomfortable to these topics,leave or read at least another episode

RyobaEvery night...For as long as I can remember...I've been having the same dream...In this dream,I meet a boy,fall in love with him,start a family,and live happily ever after...I've always believed that this dream was showing me my future...showing me the person I'll be with for the rest of my life.

I spent years fantasizing about what it would be like to finally meet him,and year ago...I found him...The boy from my dreams is in the same school as me!!! But...I'm too afraid to speak to him...because I'm worried that I'll ruin everything...& make him hate,for the past year,I've been admiring him from afar while I build up enough courage to speak to him.

He's my destiny...but,while we're on school...he's just my "Senpai". I was having so much fun watching him,learning everything about him,& planning our life together...But,then,someone had to ruin everything. She's trying to take him from me...

And I won't let her get away with it...

A few minutes later...

After I disposed of the girl who was trying to steal my Senpai,I cleaned up all the evidence. I left no trace of what I've done,or so I thought. When the police investigated the girl's disappearance,they found a single bl00d stain that I failed to clean up. This was enough to make the police begin to investigating the girl's disappearance as a possible murd3r case. A potential murd3r at an elite school was big news. It was a stain on the school's prestigious reputation. 

The headmaster didn't take it very well. I heard that he struck a deal with the police to keep any future investigations as discreet as possible. The faculty & the student council will be on high alert for now on. I'll need to be more careful in the future...but I can't rest yet,another threat has appeared...She plans to confess her feelings to my Senpai at 6:00 PM on Friday. I need to stop her before then.

If I k!ll every girl who shows an interest in my Senpai,I might attract more police attention to the,even though I'm tempted to plunge a knife into her heart...perhaps I should consider avoid bl00dsh3d. I should eavesdrop to their conversations. I might be able to learn some valuable information. In fact...

With a little bit of sabotage,I might be able to ruin their budding relationship & make my Senpai lose all interest in her...

April 1st (Monday)

Ryoba POV:

I woke up,putted my uniform,I went to Buraza Town to get Rat Poison. I went back to my home,I put the Rat Poison in my skirt pocket to school,I opened my door,closed it,& I ran to Akademi School...


You woke up,put your uniform,you went to Buraza Town to buy some mangas,bento,& a special gift for someone,you went back home,you make some 5 body bags to throw away many trash inside of the bag,you opened your door,closed it,running to Akademi School,you bumped on someone & that someone is Ryoba...

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