The Avatar Returns (Part 1)

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Jinhai: Horsetail, you've outdone yourself.

Sokka: As you said to a real warrior like me!

Jinhai: You're still going there after everything Kat and I told you?

Sokka: Yeah! I don't believe you're a great warrior until I see it.

Jinhai: Wait and see Sokka because I'm gonna prove you wrong.

~10 Minutes Later~

Sokka came out running towards Zuko head on, but he didn't even land one hit on Zuko and I was laughing silently. The Fire Prince was still walking towards them.

Zuko: Where are you hiding him?

No one said anything and I had to hide myself behind a bed of snow until the time was right to fight him. I'm only waiting for the right moment.

Just as I thought that, Zuko grabbed my grandmother figure in a threatening way.

Zuko: Is this the Avatar? This 100 year old woman?


I got out of the bed of snow and fired my arrow onto one of the soldiers, killing him before I slid onto a penguin's back and firing another arrow into another soldier, who looked like he was gonna throw a fireball at me.

As he was about to throw it at me, I fired another arrow into his chest, making him aim up and fire the ball into the sky and dying instantly.

I rolled off the penguin, tackled a soldier, stabbed him with the dagger of the hook, in the heart, and slashed another's guts out of his stomach before this idiot having a scar over his eye kicked me in the head, causing me to fly back a bit.

Zuko: You're the runaway, huh?

The tribespeople looked at me with confusion as I didn't want that coming out. Might as well tell the truth.

Kat and the entire tribe were shocked and not only my face paint and my fighting skills, but my past being brought back up as well. I wielded my sword at Zuko and signaling Gran-Gran that I'm here to save this tribe from Zuko and his goons.

Jinhai: Get your hands off my grandmother before I slice them off.

Zuko: This old bag? She's the Avatar. She's needed.

Jinhai: You're wrong. And for the final time, get your hands off of her before I cut them off!

Zuko knew that I was serious and decided to let her go before he peed his pants. He let go of Gran-Gran as I went to her first before facing Zuko.

Jinhai: Are you okay?

Gran Gran: I'm fine. Thank you.

Zuko: Runaway! You're wanted at the Fire Nation. You gotta come with us.

That got everyone suspicious of me until I had to speak the truth to them.

Jinhai: I'm not going anywhere and screw you! You killed my mother and I'm gonna kill you if you don't get out of here! This is my family now, and I'm not letting anything happen to them, not while I'm here!

As soon as I said that, I saw something in the distance, after a closer look, it was Aang, sliding on a penguin and tripping Zuko and standing right beside me.

Jinhai: Perfect timing.

Aang: Hey Jinhai, Katara, Sokka.

Sokka(sarcastic): Hey Aang. Good to see you.

Aang: You wanna hurt this tribe? Think again.

Aang and I fought Zuko by him airbending every fireball away from my family as I fought his guys using my sword, but not killing them, knocking them out.

I was about to go for the kill, but Zuko saw me coming. He deflected every hit I made at him before giving me an fireball to my chest, sending me back into my own igloo, destroying it.

~Katara POV~

No! Is Jinhai okay!

I had to run to him to see what happened and when I saw the snow, I had to see him.

Kat: Jinhai!

As I took away the debris of his igloo, he was able to get up, only to be brought to his knees.

Kat: Don't get up! He's not worth it

Jinhai: He is. Auggh!

Kat: Jinhai?

He pulled off his coat to see a burn on his chest. I was so horrified I was actually going into tears.

Kat: Jinhai, don't. You're hurt.

Jinhai: You think I care, Kat?

Aang: If I go with you, do you promise to leave them alone?

Zuko stopped, nodded and took Aang away.

Kat: Aang! Don't!

Aang: Don't worry, Katara. I'll be okay. Just take care of Appa for me when I get back.

When he said that, the Fire Nation pulled out of the snow and sailed away.

~Sokka POV~

Jinhai was Fire Nation the whole time?! Why didn't he tell us!

Sokka: You got a lot of explaining to do, Jinhai!

Jinhai: Sokka, not now.

Sokka: Yes, now! Give us a reason why we shouldn't-

?????: That's enough, Sokka.

I looked at Gran Gran in disbelief! She's defending a traitor?!

Gran Gran: Jinhai is not a traitor. He defended us like he was one of our own. He was Fire Nation, yes, but he has seen the cruelty of them and ran away while his mother was murdered. Don't you dare try to see him differently. He did the right thing and defended us with honor. Onto your duties as I speak with Jinhai in private.

Everyone went back to rebuilding their igloos as Kat was hugging him in tears, much to my dismay.

~Jinhai POV~

Kat: I'm so sorry for what happened to you.

Jinhai: Kat. It's okay. I was going to tell all of you sooner rather than later anyway. I gotta go to her.

Kat: Be careful, you're still hurt.

Jinhai: I'll try my best.

Avatar: The Last Airbender (X Male OC): WaterNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ