The Beginning

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Golf Ball: Wow, that WAS a day out.

Grassy: Grassy agrees!

Tennis Ball: I can still smell the chlorine on my skin!

Golf Ball: That's a normal thing.

Golf Ball: Anyways, how would you imagine my previous seasons through nicknames?

Blocky: You were Super Golf Ball!

Eraser: Ultra Golf Ball!

Tennis Ball: Table Golf Ball.

Golf Ball: Really?! [does a little dance whilst beatboxing]

Tennis Ball: You do make me smile, GB.

[cuts to Bottle]

Bottle: Let's go surfing!

Tree: Bottle, why do you still have your bathing suit on?

Bottle: Because I am going surfing, take a look at me surf!

Tree: "I'm so excited to start preventing death." We know you are, miss!

Bottle: Yay!

[Clock is killed off screen]

Bottle: And Clock is dead!

[cuts to Ruby]

Ruby: Freesmart isn't really doing well nowadays.

Bubble: Yeah, we should find a way to make this alliance more fun!

Match: If only we could like, do something.

Ruby: I know! [gets the Freesmart Super Van out of her pocket]

Bubble: [gasps] Ruby?! How were you able to fit that in your dress's pocket?

Ruby: By magic, now let's get in the van!

[All of Band-Aid get into the Freesmart Super Van and Ruby starts driving it]

Ruby: What song should we play?

Flower: I hope it's not Two Trucks by Lemon Demon!

Nickel: And I hope it's not any of Nickelback's songs!

Ruby: I'm gonna put on... This is BFB! [puts on "This is BFB" by WebzForevz]

Ruby: This is so much fun!

[The Freesmart Super Van gets stopped by Laotian]

Laotian: And I'm gonna stop you there.

Ruby: Why?

Battle for Blackpool Tower Episode 10Where stories live. Discover now