Chapter 1 : New Student

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We are currently at school cleaning outside with a broom, as I was sweeping the leaves I saw my one and only crush, Jeon Jungkook. When I saw him it felt like the world became slow as the leaves falls above him and the lights becomes brighter. Okay enough of my imagines.

As I looked at him sweeping the leaves, I thought about confessing my love for him. I hesitated but I just want to let him know that I like him so I run towards him and said:

Y/N: Hey Jungkook, I want to tell you something
Jungkook: What is it? *He said after looking at me and looked back down sweeping the leaves*
Y/N: I like you

As I said that he stopped sweeping and just looked at me as if he was thinking something which I don't know what is it and I don't wanna know.

Jungkook: I don't like you.

I was shocked at to what he have said but I'm not going to give up, I don't care if he doesn't like me I'm just letting him know, and I will make him like me, easy.

Y/N: I still like you

I said and I smiled then run away from him.

Inside the classroom—

The teacher is discussing something, as I was scribbling on my sketchbook the teacher suddenly called me. Jingsu who is sitting beside me tapped my shoulder and I stood up immidietly, the teacher asked me to solve the math problem on the board.

Damn, ask me anything just not math problems, I mean I can't even solve any of my own problems.

I stand up and saw Jungkook staring at me who's sitting on the other side of my table, I looked away and went to the board.

I tried solving the problem but I really don't know the answer. I am just staring at the numbers when someone suddenly said:

?? : You don't really know the answer of that easy problem?

I looked at the door and saw an unfamiliar guy, I think he's a new student here which is our new classmate.

Teacher: I guess you're our new student here, what's your name?
?? : Park Bosong ma'am and sorry I am late. *He smiled and looked at me again*
Teacher: Thank you for apologizing, and as I remember you said that the problem on the board is easy, right? Now answer it.

Bosong's smile disappeared and went beside me to answer the problem.

Bosong: Hey, what's the answer? *He whispered*
Y/N: I thought you knew since you said it was an easy problem? *I whispered back confused*
Bosong: I actually don't know, I just wanted to catch everyone's attention since some of them are laughing at you standing here looking like a stupid. *He whispered again*
Y/N: I don't even know if I should be thankful right now or be embarrassed. *I mumbled*

Teacher: Hey stop whispering, just sit down both of you.

The teacher announced so I went back to my sit, Bosong followed me and sit on an empty sit behind me which is beside Luyang. But before I can sit I saw Jungkook glared at me and looked away. I don't know what I just did, did I do something wrong?

—Skip to Lunch time—

I am sitting here in our cafeteria eating lunch with Jisung and I saw Luyang and Jungkook walking towards us with their lunch to sit with me and Jisung. Jungkook is sitting in front of me and Luyang is sitting in front of Jisung. As we were eating Bosong sits beside me and put a meat on my plate and said:

Bosong: For you, boss.

If you're wondering why he's calling me boss I'll tell you why.

This happened this lunch time before we eat. I am just waiting outside for Jungkook to give him my love letter but as I was waiting, Bosong saw me and said:

Bosong: Are you waiting for someone?
Y/N: Yes, so go away
Bosong: Is that a letter?
Y/N: Yes and it is confidential, private, and for a vip so please shoo. *I said while gesturing my hands(the shoo away gesture)*
Bosong: Confidential? For a vip? Wait, are you a mafia boss? *He said jokingly*
Y/N: *I hesitated but said* Yes, so now go away.
Bosong: Okay boss, see you later! *He said while laughing and went away*


I just looked at the meat he gave and just continued eating.

Jungkook saw that bosong gave Y/N a meat, he stared at Y/N without her knowing and just ate his own food.

As they were eating a girl named Liza came to Jungkook and asked about their school works. Liza called him and He looked at her.

Liza: Jungkook, can you please help me with our assignment later? I seem can't to understand it very well.

He glanced at Y/N who's already staring at him and look back at Liza, he hesitated but still agreed with her.

Jungkook: Sure.
Liza: Thank you Jungkook, let's meet later at the Library. *She smiled and went away*

Jungkook just nodded and continued eating.

Jisung: I can't believe it's near summer, It's so hot.
Luyang: I know right? But I know where we should go. *He said smiling*

His friends stared at him in a curious face.

Jisung: Where is it again? Please don't be a despicable.
Luyang: Hey! You're being harsh. *He said in a sad/cute way*
Y/N: So.. Where is it?
Luyang: I joined a raffle last week and I spend so much money for it but it's okay because I won!! *He said while smiling brightly*
Jisung: Yeah okay, where is it?
Luyang: In Seoul, we will live in a mansion that has 4 bathrooms, 7 bedrooms, a big swimming pool, and sauna, and the mansion even have its own arcade inside which we can play with!!
Jungkook: But it's far.

Y/N nodded on what Jungkook have said.

Jisung: Really? *She said to Luyang in a suspicious tone*
Luyang: Why won't you believe me?
Jisung: Because this is not the first time you joined that kind of raffle?
Bosong: Why, what happened last time?
Y/N: He got scammed, he also payed a big amount for that raffle.
Bosong: Damn, you're still not in your right mind?
Y/N: Don't say that to him. *She said in a cute way and pouted. Luyang also pouted and nodded while glaring at Bosong*
Bosong: Oh okay, I'm sorry boss. *He said and pinched Y/N's cheek*

Y/N glared at him and continued eating. But before she can eat a spoon, Jungkook stood up and said:

Jungkook: I'm done eating, I'll be going first. *His friends responded with an "Okay" and walked away*

Y/N stared at him, scratch that, Y/N admired him while walking away forgetting about her own food.

End of Chapter—

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⏰ Son güncelleme: Mar 14 ⏰

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