5 - Johnny and Yosaku

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Exactly this conversation had been needed to make progress: Akiko did not have an infinite amount of time, except those days that she could spare before continuing her journey. Everything else was a matter of luck and chance. Maybe they would be able to enjoy the silence and peace for a while, but maybe things would get wild soon. And it was precisely this uncertainty why she took the training as seriously as possible.
However, as Zoro had announced, he could only teach her the absolute basics. She would not become particularly strong or become particularly good at using a weapon. Still, the training grounded her a little more and distracted her from the pain that continued to rumble incessantly inside her. Being able to focus on something other than the pain – that was a small win.

The swordsman also had to admit that she was not all incapable: clumsy, yes, but Akiko had a good idea of what he was asking her to do and what she had to pay attention to. The actual implementation, however, was something different. It was to be expected that she would not handle the sword as smooth as him, who had been training for years and for whom carrying his katana had become so normal like wearing his pants. He would probably handle it even better than a kitchen knife.

What Zoro did not imagine was her persistence and how frustrated she became when some things just did not work out: for example, the sequence of steps combined while turning clockwise and holding the katana in her hand. More than once, Akiko stumbled or spun around one too many. When that happened, she huffed out - all annoyed - and had to remind herself not to lose focus.

On the other hand, one of her strengths was meditation. In her quiet moments in which she usually asked detailed questions, Zoro became aware that although she could not be trained to the same level of a swordsman he was aiming for, she did have a sense of strategy that might compensate her physical inferiority. That was exactly what he told her when he tackled Akiko to the ground again and knelt over her, the tip of his sword was touched the ground at his feet next to her head.

"It's unfair," she grumbled, turning her head to the side. "Men always have an advantage. No strategy will be of any use to me if someone simply knocks me to the ground."
That was not a sentence he was unfamiliar with either. Actually, it was often the case that the women were the weaker link, but... " At some point, it'll save your life because your opponent will think he lulled you into safety. Whether you surprise him with an attack or escape, then - doesn't matter." He had been right, but it was still frustrating for her not to have the slightest chance against him.

When they were no into training, they made preparations: collecting materials, getting food that would not go bad soon on their journey. When Akiko's injury finally seemed to get better, they finally went to the other end of the island for the first time. She felt less exhausted, the wound had stopped oozing and when Zoro had changed her bandages again, he was able to testify that the cut was healing slowly. The doctor's medicine and his treatment had taken his account.

The path to the other side of the island was unspectacular and so the expectations and hope that had built up in her of getting across the sea, armed with more than just a nutshell, sank with every additional meter she travelled. Was it not foolish to think that a ship was waiting for them? Here?

Akiko blinked all the more in surprise and was completely overwhelmed when they stood in a bay in which a real ship, capable of travelling overseas, rested: not a huge one but larger than their recent sailboat and far more resilient. It would be possible to steer it with a few people... and it seemed to be in shape, at least from the outside.
"Not bad," the swordsman said with a wry grin and set out to explore. Was he not a little too fearless? "What?" he turned his head in her direction when she had not followed him. "Forgot that there's no one here, 'cept us?"
That was right. There really was not any reason to be that careful, but... "W-What if there are bodies? Buried there?"
"Then we'll get them out."
"That's not what I meant!!"

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