Mad Men Lost Episode

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[Intro of Don literally fucking killing himself but make it aesthetic with cool music and shit]

Peggy: (to Pete) You should maybe be a little more considerate of Don and maybe think about his feelings instead of his thoughts on you and maybe he'd probably care more about your feelings too maybe okay just saying

Pete: (sassy) Last I remember you can't tell me what to do (he has that European porn sadness in his eyes because she was right like always I love you Peggy)

Don: (walking in) What is everyone doing in my office (he stands in the middle of the room and holds his hands out like ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ ͠⁠°⁠ ͟⁠ʖ⁠ ⁠°͠⁠ ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ but they're lower by him you know what I mean) Is there something I should be aware of (he is visibly disturbed as always)

Pete: (to Don) (internally super happy because he might be able to get Don on his side) I think you need to keep that one in place (maybe he wouldn't actually say that though but he'd suggest it)

Don: I don't care what you think Campbell and frankly I didn't ask also ratio and perhaps an L as well (he speaks like me in seventh grade using padding and filler everywhere to look like a smarty pants)

Pete: (now even more sad because he actually did ask but also it's always what's happening Pete and never how are you Pete) Okay but I'm just SAYING (He walks away like he won but he's actually obviously defeated)

Don: Peggy what is your goal here

Peggy: (does that cute chin raise) I'm being sensitive like most people apparently can't be (she thinks she did something and she really did)

Don: What good have feelings ever done for anyone this is a business Peggy we have to remain headstrong and face the facts

Peggy: (she sees him like a shivering puppy in the rain trying to bark at a car's lights shining at him and the car is his depression) K (leaves knowing he's never gonna open up)

Don: (knows he's never gonna open up) (shakes his head and sits at his desk)

Pete: (on his office couch) Why won't Don tell me his feelings when I tell him my thoughts why do I have to tell him my feelings to get him to tell me my feelings why doesn't he tell anyone his feelings why don't I tell anyone my feelings am I gay

Peggy: Why are men so fucking weird can't they just get along with each other all of these men are mad these are mad men

Don: I'm a mad man I'm one of the mad men

Mad Men Lost EpisodeWhere stories live. Discover now