With that, Dietrich moved his mouth as if swallowing hard, then eventually squeezed out these words.

"...I'll acknowledge it."


"Lord Arnold Hein will certainly strive to be a good husband to you. While it may seem like he's forsaking his own human happiness, he shows his determination to make you happy!! Yes, that's my judgment, rejoice, Rishe!!"

(...For His Highness Dietrich to retract his previous statements and acknowledge others... That was something unimaginable before Rishe and Arnold broke off their engagement.

Could it be that seeing Arnold, who holds the same status as a crown prince in this country, had somehow changed his mindset? Or perhaps it was the result of Marie's hard work since she had been entrusted to Dietrich.

...At this rate, it seems unlikely that His Highness Dietrich would plot a coup in this lifetime...)

Thinking this, Rishe chuckled.

However, regardless, the presence that incited Dietrich to incite a coup has been exposed. The entity that aimed for Galkhein and targeted Arnold is unlikely to have any intention of using the Hermity Kingdom in the future.

For Dietrich not to incite a revolution is unprecedented in his life.

In Rishe's heart until now, there had certainly been a guilt of 'abandoning her homeland.' She now feels that this lingering guilt has completely disappeared.

"...Thank you very much, Your Highness Dietrich."

Dietrich wouldn't know the meaning behind Rishe's gratitude, but that was fine.

"...Of course, there's absolutely no need for the permission of a complete stranger like His Highness Dietrich for the marriage."

"Ugh!! Are you getting more sarcastic than before!?"

Rishe had no such intention, but as she chuckled softly, Dietrich opened his mouth with a complicated expression.

"On the day I told you to break off the engagement, I said that I wasn't necessary in your life."

"Yes. I remember."

After nodding firmly, Rishe added, "And just as much, I feel that my presence is not needed in Your Highness Dietrich's life."

"What do you mean?"

"Since childhood, we've often been told by the adults around us. That I have to be reliable and support Your Highness Dietrich."

Perhaps remembering that, Dietrich lowered his gaze slightly.

"But that's not true, is it?"


"Your Highness Dietrich, I know that you're capable. ...Even without me, you'll be fine."

With that, Dietrich widened his eyes.

It felt like Rishe had finally rid herself of everything she had left behind in her previous six lives.

(Merchant, apothecary, alchemist. Not just as a maid or hunter or knight...but as a 'duke's daughter,' the days spent in her homeland were irreplaceable in my life.)

In a sense, it felt like she had finally let go of the regret of her 'duke's daughter life.'

Seeing Rishe's refreshed demeanor, Dietrich wrinkled his face in frustration.

"Y-You...what I wanted to hear wasn't that!!"

"Your Highness Dietrich? Are you...crying?"

"There's no way that's true! I'm a crown prince! *Sniff* I wouldn't cry in public!! Anyway!"

And then he pointed at Rishe and asked,

"Is Lord Arnold Hein necessary in your life!?"


Rishe blinked once.

And she relayed to Dietrich.

"Your Highness Dietrich, please do not point at people."

"Gah, that's not it!!"

Recalling the exchange just now, Rishe laughed. Then, Arnold, sitting next to her, looked at her with a puzzled expression.

"What's wrong?"

"It's nothing, Lord Arnold. ...His Highness Dietrich and I were just encouraging each other for our future lives."

More importantly...

Rishe straightened her back and looked up at Arnold.

At that moment, a single bell rang from a distant church. That church also serves as a clock tower. It rings the bell at the designated time to let people know the time. And what resounded in the city now was the midnight bell.

"...It's my birthday."

Upon hearing from Rishe, Arnold nodded.

The date had changed, and it was now the thirtieth day of the seventh month. Sixteen years ago today was Rishe's birthday.

Her sixteenth birthday.

For Rishe, this would be her seventh experience. Arnold sitting next to her wouldn't naturally know that.

"I've never blessed anyone's birthday before."

"...Your Highness."

"So, say what you want."

Arnold, almost teasingly, touched the earring Rishe had put on.

"Have you decided what you want?"


Nodding once again, Arnold squinted his eyes slightly.


Looking into his clear blue eyes, Rishe spoke.

"Ever since I was a child...I've always...wanted something."

Arnold, waiting patiently for Rishe to speak more gently than usual, listened. And while relying on him, one by one, she put into words what was in her heart.

"Not as a duke's daughter. Not even as a future queen or the wife of a crown prince. I've longed to live freely, cherishing my essence as a human being."


"And...Lord Arnold, more than anything, you respect that."

Rishe sincerely feels that.

"You protect me, not by controlling or confining me. After worrying about me and caring for me in many ways, you ultimately believe in me. ...You grant me the freedom to fulfill my desires, and when I'm lacking, you lend me your hand..."

Arnold had promised to 'grant any wish,' not just to uphold the vows he made during the proposal. And to fulfill that vow, he wouldn't just give to Rishe. Arnold sincerely cherishes Rishe, and for her sake, he grants her wishes.

"I'm very happy to be your bride."


Arnold blinked slightly.

"As your princess, I want to fulfill the marriage ceremony without any problems. I want to proudly call myself the Crown Prince's Consort, so as not to shame you."

"...Regardless of what anyone says, you're my wife. That fact can't be changed."

Telling him what she would beg for in the future took courage for Rishe.

"...So, Prince Arnold."

Taking Arnold's hand, which had been touching her earring, she grasped it from above.

"...Please allow me to practice the kiss we will vow to each other."


Feeling nervous, her voice almost trembling.

"As a birthday gift from you."

Feeling both embarrassed and desiring it, Rishe looked up at Arnold and made her plea.

"...Would you kiss me...?"

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