(What I want to show His Highness Arnold...)

Rishe wanted to show Arnold many beautiful, enjoyable, and wonderful things. It was her wish, not something Arnold had requested. Even though she had been selfishly acting on her own, his kind words made her feel like she wanted to rely on him.

Arnold, little by little, seemed to be turning his gaze toward beautiful things too.

"Your Highness..."

Arnold's index finger touched Rishe's lips.

'Quiet,' he signaled, and at the same time, Rishe understood.

Someone was approaching the gazebo.

Recalling the emperor from earlier, her body tensed slightly.

However, the figure that eventually appeared, seeking refuge from the rain, was a man dressed in knightly attire.

"Sir Gutheil."

As Rishe called his name, Sir Gutheil, with a surprised expression, immediately bowed, even in the rain. He was the one Sylvia, the songstress, loved. His humble bow resembled a performance on stage.

"Your Highness Arnold. Lady Rishe. I apologize for intruding upon your relaxation."


Realizing this, Rishe felt a bit awkward. Even if they were sitting side by side on wooden chairs, they were probably too close. It was embarrassing, but it was too late to move away now.

"I apologize for the inconvenience. I'll be on my way."

"W-wait, please!"

Gutheil was about to leave with the lantern in hand. Rishe hastily stood up and stopped him.

"Please shelter from the rain here! It'll stop soon. Right, Your Highness!?"

"Y-yeah, it will stop soon."

(That's right, this is the normal reaction!)

It was rare for Arnold to accept Rishe's judgment as a matter of course. When Rishe turned around, Arnold, who seemed a bit annoyed, lazily gave a sign of approval.

"You can take shelter. ...Are you going on patrol?"

"Yes. I noticed two lanterns flickering near the 'Tower' on my way here, so I thought I should be vigilant."

(My lantern and His Highness Arnold's lantern...)

They had been carrying them when they came to the tower. Arnold had hastily shielded her from the emperor's gaze, causing her to drop it, and it had been left there ever since.

Gutheil moved his large frame to one corner of the gazebo and awkwardly brushed back his wet hair.



As Rishe stood up, Arnold called out to her, and she sat back down on the chair. In the sound of the rain, an odd silence filled the air, but Arnold seemed unfazed by it.

(...No one usually approaches this tower, right? The lack of maintenance on the walls and the lax pruning of branches that could be entry points must be the reason...)

Even if there were forgotten lanterns, their light wouldn't reach too far.

Gutheil must have been close enough to the tower to notice them, even in the rain.

(Arnold must have been concerned about the possibility of espionage within the castle. ...And at such a time, Gutheil actions would inevitably stand out...)

Arnold couldn't have missed what Rishe was thinking.

With a slightly awkward expression, Gutheil turned to Arnold.

"Your Highness Arnold. Though it may be impolite to intrude in such a place..."

(...Sir Gutheil?)

"Regarding the request I made the other day. About that, have you made a decision...?"

Arnold furrowed his brow even more. "Are you planning to discuss that here?"

It seemed Arnold understood Gutheil's intent. Despite the discomfort, Gutheil bowed to Rishe.

"...I apologize, Lady Rishe, for what may be an unsightly sight. There's no way to apologize for it."

"You needn't worry about me. Please, continue. Shall we sit for a while, Your Highness?"

"Fine. Go ahead."


Gutheil remained unmoved.

He was likely prepared for Arnold's response, even though he knew it might be this way.

(...Arnold doesn't intend to accept Sir Gutheil as a vassal?)

This was different from the future Rishe knew.

7th Time Loop WN Vol. 5 Fan TranslationWhere stories live. Discover now