2 - Reunion

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Hiyaa! I hope you'll enjoy this just as much as I did writing the whole thing, and I'm just saying, both of them would make such great dads im not even joking I LOVE THEMMM <3333

Neuvillette's POV


Yet another day passes, and each day is the same as the last.

The mundanity of court, and the accusations, rebuttals, and lies.

Conflicting emotions swirling around, merging into one.

The elaborate manoeuvres and schematics all weave an elaborate play for the onlookers' entertainment, beckoning more to watch it all unfold before their eyes.

Tiring as it may be, it is my duty and my sole purpose as to why I arrived here in Fontaine with the melusines, so to impose and uphold justice in Fontaine is the one thing I cannot and will not fail at.

My schedule is filled with trials and my office, shrouded in mountains of paperwork tossed onto me, never leaving me a moment's worth of unoccupied time.

All of it reminds me of how Furina would add to those mountains, overlooking them to enjoy cakes at the Hotel Debord. I still wonder to this day why she neglected them, but exceptions had to be made.

That girl needed that time for herself, so I hope now that she's unbound by the strings of Focalors' intricate play, she can have time for herself and enjoy the pleasantries of the human life she's always longed for.

Consumed by my thoughts, I had snapped back to reality, and a big, black ink blotch formed due to my being consumed by unimportant thoughts.

"How inconvenient..."

I rest my head on my hand, propping it up with my elbow. Maybe the fatigue is getting to my head, perhaps I'll take a stroll to clear up my mind. I'll just have to exert more effort into it later.

Standing up from my desk, I walk across shelves of the court's files, neatly organized as they should always be, and open the door, revealing a wonderful surprise.

Sigewinne was visiting me, along with the Duke.



Wriothesley's POV


Ahh, the smell of the Palais Mermonia never fails to wow me. It always seems to smell sweet, like freshly picked marcottes and lumidouce bells, mixed with the smell of papers and ink.

"Sigewinne, don't you love this place, it smells so fresh and it's just so pretty."

"It's alright I guess, you're the only one who can smell all that though, you have the nose of a hound. Y'know what? I wanna see Neuvillette! I wonder if he's doing ok with all of his work..."

"Yeah, but what can we do? Fontaine is a busy place, and paperwork can be found anywhere, especially in the Iudex's office. I don't even want to imagine attempting to do a quarter of those papers without cracking my back and keeling over. Maybe I should be more grateful for my secretaries and give them a raise, huh?"

Man, taking in the calming atmosphere, it's so good to see the sun, seeping through the tall windows, casting an ever-comforting atmosphere that I'd love to do my paperwork in, too bad I work where the light doesn't touch.

But I need to sort out my thoughts first. I came here to report to Sedene about the broken gardemeks and then...

As I was walking towards the counter, I spotted Neuvillette in the corner of my eye, going out of his office, and we immediately made eye contact and archons. He's as ethereal as ever.

His hair is like a blank canvas with blue accents painted on it, flowing downwards with an expert's delicacy, porcelain skin and those eyes... I could just drown in them.

Looking more closely at his face, however, I notice that he doesn't look quite well. I don't know, maybe it's just me but...

He always seems to have this sort of expression that's quite... distant. Almost like he's physically there, but caught up and tangled in his thoughts or emotions.

"Neuvillette! It's so nice to see you! How are you though, you don't look so well... Need me to check up on you?" Sigewinne enthusiastically asks Neuvillette, running up to him to grasp his left leg.

Quickly breaking eye contact with me, he greets Sigewinne.

"Ah Sigewinne, It's quite a surprise to see you here, and with the Duke on top of that." He said with the gentlest, heartwarming smile and archons above help me because I can't take it much longer.

"What seems to be the matter? Is everything all right in the Fortress?" He said with a concerned tone.

Man, it makes him look like he's her dad or something. It fits them though, they both care for each other and have something close to a familial bond.

Family... must be nice.

"Is everything alright with you too, Your Grace?" Neuvillette's words popped into my thought bubble and brought me back to reality.

"Ah, yes I'm quite alright thank you."

"We've just come here to report on broken gardemeks because of a small dispute, and discuss about how much the replacements will cost and we'll get right back down below. Same old business."

I said as respectfully as I could, with Sigewinne adding "There was a slippery thief causing trouble in the Fortress, so his Grace personally went in and WHACKED him in the face!" (She added an air punch at whack for extra emphasis, hehe, I love her)

"The matter was solved quickly, but there were a lot of people hurt. We were really busy... but it's ok now!"

"Oh, well as long as things are resolved, I do not need to worry about your safety. Thank you for taking care of the wounded, Sigewinne."

Neuvillette said as he knelt to hold Sigewinne's tiny hands, both still holding those adorable smiles.

As he stood up, he transferred his affectionate gaze to me, "And I extend my gratitude to you too, Your Grace. Thank you for your service, it is a great help and assurance that we have someone so capable of handling the affairs in the Fortress."

What if I faint right here right now? Archons above give me the strength to carry on-

"A- ah no need for that... It's all in a day's work, as well as it is my duty as Duke. Now then, we should get going now Sigewinne, I'd rather get this over with so that I can have my afternoon tea, and not get it interrupted like last time."

I feel rather disappointed that we have to leave, but life isn't all sunshine and Neuvillette-filled.

Work exists to whittle down my soul into nothingness.

"Hey, I have an idea! How about you, Neuvillette, wait for us just a bit so we can all go to that famous boulangerie that I wanted to go to?"

"Remember you said that we could go, Your Grace?" She looked at me with those big, red eyes of hers and who am I to refuse them?

"That's fine by me, just so long as it doesn't interfere with whatever you were planning on going, Monsieur Neuvillette."


"I was just going to head out for a stroll, so accompanying you two would be delightful. And by famous boulangerie, do you mean Hotel Debord?"

My prayers were heard.

"So you know it! Then let's get this over with and head out!" Sigewinne jumped and then we were out of the Palais Mermonia like a flash. 

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