Summer Loading ☀️

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Poppy And Branch Are Racing Each Other To The Main Part Of Pop Village, Where They See Viva, Poppy's Sister

"Oh, hey, Vivs! Whatcha doin'?" Poppy Asked

"Wearing a black cape..?" Branch Asked As Well, Pointing

Viva Clears Her Throat To Explain Herself "Well ya see...! Dont tell Clay, but I mayyyyy or may nottttt have used the rest of his white fabric without him knowing..!" Viva Smiled Sheepishly

"😬😬😬" Branch's Eyes Widened

"Uhh, Vivs? Not to pull a Branch or anything, but isn't Clay gonna like, beat the s*** out of you?" Poppy Said

"Probably, but lets not focus on that! The IMPORTANT thing is that- Hey! You guys didn't guess what I used the fabric FOR!" Viva Said, Pouting



Poppy And Branch Give Viva Blank Stares As Viva Rolls Her Eyes

"I'm making a bathing suit, ya chuckleheads! A BATHING SUIT!" Viva Facepalmed Herself

"Ohhh! Well I think that's great, Vivs! Way to kick off the summer!" Poppy Smiled

"Yeah, I know right! It's gonna look amazing, you'll literally DIE of amazement when you see it!" Viva Twirled Around In Joy

"Ermmm, can we see it now?" Branch Asked, His Eyes Widening As Poppy Followed

"No WAY, Josè! It's gonna be a surprise for when we go to the beach house!" Viva Smiled As She Walked Off Like She Didn't Just Blow The Secret

Poppy And Branch Just Stood In Shock, Finally Poppy Spoke

"Wait, hold on, Viva. We're going to a BEACH HOUSE?!" Poppy Said, Still Trying For Grasp The Situation

Viva Nodded Her Head Fast "Oh, yeah! JD didn't tell you guys? Branch?"

"N-NO!! You KNOW that squarehead loves secrets more than hoarding socks!" Branch Said Rolling His Eyes

"Oh. Well I guess now ya know. Although it was supposed to be a surprise soooo...hmmm..if they ask I didn't tell ya, aight? Capeesh? Capeesh! Alright gotta go ready for the party, see ya laterrrrrrrr!!" Viva Ran Away To Work On Her Bathing Suit And Do Her Hair

"Huh. Well that was something. Wasn't it, Branch?" Poppy Smiled Sheepishly

"Are you kidding? We're going to w beach house! This is great! This'll be great for you to take your mind off things, won't it, Popifer?" Branch Bounced His Eyebrows Around

"I guess so, but that can wait AFTER the party, now c'mon! Let's go find your brothers!!!" Poppy Said, Grabbing Branch's Arm And Dragging Him Along Before He Could Say Anything


John Dory, Bruce, (Formerly Known As Spruce), Clay, And Floyd Are Playing Go Fish

"Ha! In your face, squarehead!" Clay Said, Laughing Triumphantly

"Oh, don't be so full of yourself, Clay! You only won because I was caught off guard! Otherwise you wouldn't have seen the light of day!" John Dory Crossed His Arms

"Didn't you say Go Fish was your worst card game?" Floyd Pointed Out

"Yeah, ya did. You also mentioned how if you lose, we can point and laugh.." Bruce Seconded Floyd's Statement

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