Chapter One

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Tuesday Morning:
5:36 am
Point of View // Sarah

"Sarah. It's time to awake."

I rose up, seeing it was 5:36, I was 6 minutes late to getting up. Spirit alarm clocks aren't worth the trouble.

I started to get up in preparation of our 6 o'clock ritual. A goat will be burned at the stake.

Lately, I've been on my best behavior. The time of a yearly ritual is coming up soon. One member will be burned alive and fed to crows. This is not an easy selection, the spirits pick someone through a long process. Someone who has done the cult more harm than anything else. The odds however may not be in my favor so much. I "accidentally" let a goat and lamb go on multiple occasions. It sickens me to see them hurt in such a way.

5:50 am

I started out the hut and off through the woods to the sacred ground, just in time.

"Everyone. Take your formation leaving a leg worth of space in between."

I made my place in between two practically strangers until the ritual finished.

Next to the sacred grounds was a lake, I always go there afterwards to wash off my face from the blood.

The only thing I hated about the lake was all the animals were kept on the other side. If only I could free them. Allow them to live a life of freedom. I had to get out of here. I had to get these animals out of here. I had to rid of this absolutely disgusting cult.

But I was born into it, and there is no safe way out. This is my life, and I guess I have to except that.

Word spread fast about rumors of who would be sacrificed. Usually the rumors were wrong, except for one year. A girl, named Julie. Everyone suspected it, she would always let the animals out, she never showed up to rituals, she even attempted escape, but was caught and of course, chosen.

I don't have any friends here, at all, so I usually never hear who the suspected is, unless I hear it from eavesdropping. So far, I haven't really heard much, Until today.

Same Day
4:28 pm
Point of View // Sarah

Finally, eating time. I picked up some food, meat from the earlier sacrifice, and walked over to a table.

"Shit, I forgot a drink"

As I was walking to get some water, I heard a few girls talking it over.

At that moment, I sort of laughed. Not knowing how to feel. They noticed, and immediately walked away. It's alright. I kept telling myself. They get this stuff wrong all the time.

Throughout the week however, I noticed a change. I was asked to bring in the animal. I was pointed out more by the leaders, I was talked about, I was forced to cut from the sacrificed.

I soon began to realize. This was no rumor.

I was chosen.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2015 ⏰

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