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People's thoughts


Izuku smirks, his tail swishing back and forth as he sits on the roof. Soft footsteps aproach from behind him. "Back again, Shota? I'm surprised you haven't given up yet.

"Honestly, I'm here because the commision says so." The pro hero huffs and sits beside him, "And Nezu wants to meet you, Zukai. That rat does not like being told no."

"Of course he doesn't." Izuku snickers behind his mask.

"Are you gonna run again?"

"Nah. I'll let you talk. But, I'm not going to jail."

"Nezu wants to meet with you. To put you under UA's protection." Eraserhead shrugs.

"And you? What do you want, Shota?"

"To know you."

"Little old me? Why would you want to know me?" Izuku wonder coyly.

Because I haven't been able to get you out of my head.

"Because you facinate me."

"Give me your phone."


"Just hand it over." Izuku huffs and takes the device, inputing his number. "I have to get home, but text me. And add me to the UA chat. We'll see about an in-person meeing with them." Pure red wings the color of wet blood shoot out of his back and he flies off.

Take Two: Why Is This My Fucking Life?Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt