Chapter 1 - Our new lifeFaith's view

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Long, long ago there were six legends that protected each city when visiting them, they would always head to their hometown after every three cities. One day when in their hometown a corruption started, the element of Darkness tried to fight it back alone and ended up corrupted. The other elements found out and tried to get their friend back to normal, but nothing worked. A war started between Darkness and the rest of the elements. Nothing could be done to get rid of the corruption in their friend, they ended up getting rid of all their powers and disappearing from our knowledge. People know the corruption is still around, when outbreaks happen we now have procedures to not get corrupted. The house on the corner of Gardens Street is the house where the corruption took control of the Darkness element. The area is a hotspot for corruption, that is where we live. Hi there, my name is Faith, and these are my siblings Coral, Tamashi, Emma, Joy and Ash. First there's me, I'm 16 and I love video games, Flammable objects, and drawing. Right now I have the element of Darkness. Coral is 17, she likes video games, art, and music. Coral, today she has the element of Water. Tamashi. She is 18, she likes having artistic freedom, playing the guitar, and combat. Tamashi has the element of Nature. Emma is 13, she likes storms, animals, and school, and her element is Lightning. Joy is 13, she likes Love, black, and school, and her element is Light. Last, but not least, there's Ash, she is 12, she likes fighting, basketball and skateboarding. Her element is Fire. We all live in the house on the corner of Gardens Street. We make sure to stay inside most of the time but we are still outside."Marko!" I hear Coral yell from a far."Polo!" The rest of us yell, in hiding.I peek out of my hiding spot and quickly duck my head again, I look over to Ash who was hiding in a bush. "How has she not found us yet?" I whisper to Ash.Ash shrugs and hides deeper in the bush. I look up to see Coral looming over me, "Found you!"I get out of my spot and head toward the middle of the open area, "Are you not going to help me find the others?"I look over to Coral and shake my head, "That would be unfair, and I saw where everybody hid."She sighs then goes back to searching, "Marko!"I look over to our house, no corruption monsters yet. "Polo!" Everyone still hiding yells.I look up at the dark midnight sky and close my eyes. Bang! The sound of a gun goes off in the distance, "Must have been another corruption outbreak." Tamashi walks out saying.I look over to her, "Well then it's a close outbreak."Everyone comes out of their hiding spots, and we start heading back home. I slide open the back door and wait till everyone gets in before shutting the door. "Another outbreak?" Mother asks, I nod in response to her question.Mom sets a few plates on the table, I head over and sit down in my seat. "Mom, when do you think these outbreaks are going to end?" Tamashi asks, mom sets our drinks down."The time will come, the legends may come back to help us. There is something you should know about the legends that are not in any of the stories..." I stare in wonder at mom, "But that will have to be a story for bedtime."I eat quickly and chug my drink. I'm eager to hear this new story! I head up stairs, change and climb into bed. The others burst into my room, change and also climb into their beds. Mother opens the door, "You guys are always excited to hear stories about the legends."She pulls a chair close to our beds, "The story begins how all other legend stories begin... Long ago there were six legends, all siblings. There was fire, water, nature, lighting, light, and darkness. I believe that Darkness was the oldest but no one knows, anyways, these legends protected every city within this state."I know what happens, "Then the corruption outbreaks started!" Mother nods and looks at the time."Well, you heard the story that I'm telling right now, but do you know what happened after the incidents?" We all shake our heads, mom chuckles, "Well, their gems that give them powers all break and scattered over the town. I think the gems are close to our home, and maybe six people can find and become the next legends."I stare in awe, "Well kids, it's time to go to sleep. You guys have school in the morning."I groan then lay down in my bed, mother turns off the lights and shuts the door. I look out the window at my bed level, we could be the next legends! I close my eyes slowly drifting to sleep, as the night sky goes blurrier.I wake up earlier than mother the next day, I hop out of bed and grab some clothes for school. I head into the bathroom and change into the clothes, I do my hair and brush my teeth. I get out of the bathroom and head downstairs into the kitchen. I open the cabinet and pull out the cereal, I grab a bowl and set it on the counter. I pour the cereal into the bowl and head to the fridge and grab the milk. I pour the milk into the bowl, I grab a spoon and start eating. I look over to the back door and see a dark figure standing there, I duck behind the counter hiding from it. It's too early for a corruption outbreak! A see through figure appears in front of me, I look up at it and notice it's the legend of Darkness. He puts his hand out toward me, I take his hand and he pulls me up. "They will not hurt you," I stare at the figure in disbelief.He guides me outside past the monster figures, "You are the next holder of darkness." I look around as he guides me through the woods toward an old shed. "In this shed are all the elemental gems, take them all." I nod and head to the shed entrance and turn back to see him gone. I turn back to the shed and head inside through the whole. The shed is dark with patches of light, the old shed is rusty and has no floor. I see colorful glowing lights from under the dirt, I dig up the closest one. I clear the dirt and see a yellow and blue textured gem, "The Lightning gem!"I reach my hand into the hole and grab the gem, "Ow!" I drop the gem and hold my hand.Right lighting, it's shocking, I grab the gem and put it in my pouch. I look to the left to see the blue glow of the water gem, I crawl over to it and dig it up. Once in my hand it creates a handful of water in my hand, "Cool!"I look over to the bright red glow, the fire gem, I crawl over and dig it up quickly. I grab the gem and it burns my hand, "Ow! Ow! Ow!" I quickly put it in my pouch and looked down to see if my pouch was burnt. "Thank god!"I dig up the other three, Nature, Light, and Darkness. I hold the darkness in my hand, "I can't just hold this in my pouch the whole time."I look at my necklace and get an idea. I head back to the house and try not to make any noise. I look up the stairs then at the clock, almost time for mom's timer to go off. I hear the silent alarm upstairs, "Time for school everyone!"Mom rushes down the stairs and looks over to me surprised. "You're up earlier than usual," She walks over to the fridge and takes a leftover pizza.I looked down at my pouch and then over to mom, "I just thought I would make sure there wasn't an outbreak outside when we woke up!"She nods then looks at my necklace, "I thought you lost the gem piece to your necklace?" I look down at the necklace, "Uh... I found it under my bed!" She nods then goes back to cooking.I set plates out for the others so mom had less work to do, "Maybe you should check under your bed for the red gem that went with that necklace."I then get an image in my head of the necklace the first time I got it, "Well I found more than one gem under my bed and I decided I wanted to put in this black one! I also think this gem makes the necklace stand out more."I headed upstairs past the others, I shut the door of the room behind me and made sure everyone was out. Ok, you found the gems of the legends. What do you do? I think to myself.I get many ideas but can't decide which is best, I look up into the mirror in front of me to see the Darkness silhouette. "Make sure you make the right choice," He pats my head then disappears.I look down at the magic gems, I'll wait till I can find who is right to own them.I head back down stairs with my bag, "Hey mom ima take the bus today!" I head over to the door and get my shoes on, "Ok! Have a good day at school! Bye!" I open the door quickly and start to head out, "Bye!" I race towards the bus stop eager to go on this secret hunt.Waiting at the bus stop I meet my two friends "Faith! I see you're taking the bus today, any particular reason?" Sasha asks me.I make it seem like I was thinking, "Nah, I just woke up way earlier than usual so I wanted to ride with you guys!"They both shrug then watch as the bus stops in front of us, we climb into the bus and sit near the back of the bus. I look out the window watching as the buildings speed by, I hope I'm making the right choice.At school we meet up with our other four friends, "Hey guys!" Kay yells, waving from afar.We walk over to them and notice that Sasha and Lavender weren't talking, "Are you two fighting?" Sasha's face turns red, "Me and Lavender aren't together!"Mark chuckles from the side, "Faith didn't ask if you two were dating." Sasha's face turns as red as a tomato, "I know that! But there are different types of fighting!"I sigh as the bell rings over all the others talking, "See you guys after class!" I walk away from the group and toward my first period.In math I stare out the window to my right and think of what I thought was important. "Faith, are you ok?" I look up front toward Mrs. Kathy, "I'm fine Mrs. Kathy!"She nods then turns toward the board, out of the corner of my eye I see an outbreak starting outside the window. "Everyone get down and wait for someone to come!" Everyone ducks under their desk.I stay seated in my chair a little confused, "Faith what are you doing get down!" I look out the window at the corruption monsters, "They're peaceful."Mrs. Kathy looks out the window, the monsters just roam around the field out front. I look over to the door then back towards the window, "They are peaceful." The rest of the class stands and looks out the window as well.Bang! I watch as one of the monsters falls to the ground, I then feel soaro deep down inside me. Why do I feel like I've lost a friend...? Why do I feel angry? I look up and watch in my complete horror as another falls hard to the ground.I see a small dark glow flash from the bottom of my eyes, I look down to see the gems glow flashing on and off. The flashing stops a moment later, I look back out the window to see a monster attacking someone. Through the reflection of the window I see the silhouette of the Darkness Legend again, "You control them with your emotions, learn to control them."I look down at the gem again, I control my anger and as I do the monsters outside become less hostile. Over the inner comms I hear the principal say, "We have been informed that we have to take a two day break from school..." I zone out after those few words, I control them, I am the darkness!I meet up with my two sisters that go to this school, "Hey guys." Coral looks to be thinking, "Was there an outbreak over on your side of the school?" I nod.She then looks like she found her answer, I look at Tamashi, "Is she ok?" Tamashi shrugs, "She was like this when I found her."Mom then pulls up in the parking lot, we head over to her car and climb in. Mom then quickly drives off and is silent till we get a certain distance from school, "There was a monster that attacked someone today near your class Faith." She takes a breath then looks into the mirror, "Tell me what happened, the witness said that a child was just sitting there watching it happen. They described you as the child that just sat there watching the corruption monsters."I then sit there a bit confused but then remember the situation, "Oh! Well I didn't know what to do in a school outbreak situation so I just sat there. They didn't attack me though, they seemed peaceful."Mom scoffs at the idea of a peaceful corruption monster, "Those things cannot be peaceful! They are not friendly and they only didn't attack you because you had a solid between you and them!"I look at the ground, sad, but then I remember that I cannot show any negative emotion. I look out the window and notice the large number of outbreaks we pass by. Mother parks the car in the driveway and turns off the car, "Get inside and stay inside until told otherwise!"I climb out of the car and head to the door fast, Tamashi shuts the door behind us. I look over to the back door to see one of the monsters looking at me from the window. I walk over to the back window and stare at it, I head over to the door and reach my hand out to open it. A hand grabs mine, I look up to see Coral holding my arm, she locks the door and drags me from it. "We cannot let them in! Faith I know you saw them peaceful but they are not, they are killing machines!"I look over to the dark figure still standing at the window, I notice how sad he looks. I look back at Coral then nod, "Good, I'm going to check on Ash, Joy, and Emma, stay here!" She slightly jogs up the stairs and disappears out of sight.I look back over to the door and watch as the corruption monster stands there. I peek into my pouch remembering the other gems. Thud! I hear the noise from upstairs, I run up the stairs to check on everyone. "Are you guys ok!?"I stare in shock, how'd I not hear the glass breaking too?The corruption monster looks over to me then jumps out the window. I ran over to Ash and Emma, "Are you guys ok?"Ash nods and sits up, I look over to Joy and Coral. I then run over to the window and watch as the creatures run into the woods. I sprint out the room door and down the stairs, I reach the backdoor and hesitate. I took a breath, I was told not to go outside. I run over to the couch and drag it in front of the door.Tamashi watches as everything happens, "You know, they'll just break through the glass again?" I look over to the monster by the glass, "At least I'll hear the glass break this time!"Tamashi rolls their eyes and finishes their sandwich, I walk over to the other couch and flop down on it. Tamashi walks over to the couch and sits in the only open spot, "Tired?"I nod then sit up and slouch, "I want to go on an adventure, but there's so many outbreaks and I'm not allowed outside!"Tamashi sighs and looks out the window, "You know I'm the oldest, so we could go on an adventure."I look over to them in awe, she chuckles and stands up. "Common, If we head out now they won't catch up to us in time!"I stand up with a sudden burst of energy, Tamashi then moves the couch quicker than I moved it in front of the door. I quickly open the door and run out, Tamashi walks out behind me. I look over to her, "Thank you!"Tamashi guides me through the woods away from the corruption monsters, I watch the swift movements through the trees. Tamashi knows the woods well, maybe I could give her the Nature gem!Tamashi leads me to another abandoned shack. I look inside and see the glows of the gems flash but Tamashi didn't seem to see them. Tamashi goes to one of the glows in the corner and grabs the gem above the surface, "I found this under the earth when trying to clean this place out for a hideout." Tamashi holds a green vine like gem, I then could sense the first gem glowing brighter. I open my pouch and pull out the nature gem, I hold it to Tamashi's gem. Tamashi watches in awe as the gems connect automatically, "Where did you find that gem?"I looked at Tamashi, "I found it in the other abandoned shed about 5 miles from here." They look at me with a frown, "Is that why you were up early?"I nod then hand Tamashi the put together gem, I dig up the fire gem real quick. The half doesn't burn me, I connect it to the first half. The gem summons flames out of it, "Ow!" I drop it, I shake my hand, "Are you ok Faith?"I nod then pick up the gem and shove it into my pouch, I dig up the water gem next. I connect the gems and the water forms in my hands again, I look over to Tamashi holding a piece of a gem. I pull out the lighting gem and attach them together, lightning strikes where the gem was. I drop it and Tamashi backs away. We found the last two and connected them, "This feels like a dream."I noticed the gem wouldn't fit my necklace anymore, so I took off my necklace real quick and looked at it. I slowly remove the metal piece that held the gem before, I replace it with the gem. I look over to Tamashi, still holding the Nature gem, I look at their bracelet then get an idea. "Give me your arm," I stretch my arm in their direction, "What?"I sigh and grab Tamashi's hand, "We're going to connect the gem to your bracelet so you don't have to hold it." I take the bracelet off of them and grab the gem from them.I bend this metal piece to the shape of the gem and attach both onto the bracelet. "Now we need to find four others that we can trust to hold the other four."Tamashi looks at me with a blank face, I stare back at them. "What?" Tamashi sighs then throws her head back, "Our siblings could take the other four gems!" I sigh as well and look out toward the house, "Well I don't know about that just yet, we need to find people that might be good to represent the element given to them."Tamashi sighs of boredom, she stands up and crawls out of the shed. I follow behind them, once out of the shed I wipe the dirt off of me. Snap! I heard the sound close by, Oh hell nah! I ain't getting murdered today!I run over to Tamashi and walk beside them. I carefully survey the area, ready to run. Tamashi notices my fear, "Why do you seem so jumpy?"I thought to myself, Who do I choose?

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