A Chemical Romance - I

Start from the beginning



"come on come on"




"Do It Now, George!!"

Sci yelled over the noise into the walkie, George immediately turning the key and slamming his first down on the button, as he then went out and joined everyone that was outside the room. 

As he did so, he watched the spectacle that was on hand. The sight of the white ball of mass expanding, and expanding, and expanding, with the black ball of mass doing the same, but getting blacker and blacker; darker, Darker, yet Darker. Up until it suddenly condensed down into a small milli-meter ball, as it b began to split the white ball into smaller balls and smaller balls and smaller balls- the colors multiplying and getting brighter and brighter- the room seeming to get lighter and lighter, but also heavier at the same time. Everything just seemed to just come together. Everything was going so well. So so well..

Until it didn't.

Things began to then shut down slowly; overheat, overload, become overrun with too much information and knowledge. It all became too much, as the influx of calculations and approximations from the other side became too much for the machine. The entire set up of the room just became one massive mini-meltdown on a shortcut.

The white balls of multitudes of mass swirled and swirled and swirled around the black, so fast that it just became nothing but white blurs around a black mass that could be seen through every single white spec and orb. And as everything began to try and merge, like all the other times-

And explosion occurred from the distance.


When George came too, he heard nothing but ringing in his ears. Ringing, ringing, ringing- pressure-pressure- it was unbearable. His vision was blurry. Able to see out of one eye almost clearly while the other eye was blood shot and blurry, essentially being blind in that eye. 
Once he noticed it, he realized that he couldn't move. His overall body was being squished under a lot of rubble, not able to move an inch. He wanted to freak out, which is what he did, not able to hear himself calling for help, but able to feel himself doing so. He doesn't know how long her was yelling for, but it felt like his throat had seen better days. Which it has. He doesn't even know how long he's been under all this rubble, the thoughts of not being found already starting to creep into his conscious. 



He wouldn't need to worry or freak out for much longer, as a breath of life was breath into his lungs. His eyes shooting open, he felt more life enter his lungs. Along with more and more and more, until he was able to full his whole upper body again.
Lifting his head up, and his hearing staring to make its way back, he heard his colleagues, his friends calling out his name, along with saying that he would be okay, and that they would get him out. 
When he tried to move his neck, a spike of pain shot through his spine, instantly stopping there and not moving what so ever. From what he could deduce, he had a possible twisted neck. Meaning it wasn't twisted far enough to kill him, but it was twisted enough to where it would hurt if he moved even a centimeter. 

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