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We had around a few more minutes before going down to watch the movie. Alastor and I were chatting to ease my mind and to forget about what happened, but I was anxious about the movie, but I couldn't refuse.

"Alastor.." I called out, making sure he was listening. "Charlie arranged a movie for us, we have to go down in a few minutes for it. Will you come?"

"Are you going?" He asked, as I nodded my head slowly. "Alright then, what type of movie is it?"

"It's a horror movie.." I gulped. "I-I'm not a big fan of those..."

"Stop lying, it's obvious your terrified of horror movies." He stood up to look down at me. It's fine, you'll sit next to me and hold my hand if you feel scared, alright?

I was skeptical, but it wouldn't be so bad. "But the others will notice us holding hands.." I wined, making him roll his eyes and groan. "Alright fine!" I hissed. He held his hand out to help me get up from his bed. I took it slowly, and stood up. "Let's go." I mumbled.

The others were already setting up the lobby, with the usual couch and a sofa. Charlie was pouring the drinks into cups, and Vaggie was pouring the snacks into bowls for us to enjoy. Angel Dust was trying to set up the popcorn while Husker was helping, and Niffty was stabbing roaches as usual. I let go of Alastor's hand to not act suspicious. I was laughing slowly, awkwardly standing next to Alastor, who seemed unbothered.

"Heyy guys!" I waved, trying not to look embarrassing. Charlie was the only one who looked up, and I saw her beam and squeal in happiness.

"DAD!" She yelled. "Your here! Alastor is here too! You guys can sit down we'll be there in a minute!

Me and Alastor went to go find a seat on the sofa. He tried to get me relaxed, but tried not to let others see how he was comforting me. He gently picked up my hand, making me flinch.

"A-Alastor! They'll see us!" I reddened. I yanked my hand away from his, still embarrassed. Charlie and Vaggie were setting the drinks and snacks on the table in front of us, and Angel and Husker not too long after came and set the popcorn in bowls next to the snacks. They all sat down and turned off the lights, making me flinch because it was already creepy than it already was gonna be. I scooted closer to Alastor and brought my knees to my chest. I decided not to put any attention to how close we were, and hope no one did to.

"Let's watch the Exorcist!" Angel Dust beamed, while hugging Husker. The Exorcist? Why the one that's one of the most scariest horror movies..? I was skeptical, as I didn't want to seem weak and refuse to watch it.

"I'm not sure..." Charlie said.

"Come on, doll-face! This is a one time event! Just this once!" Angel pleaded, until Charlie sighed.

"Alright, then. Husker, can you put it on?" Charlie turned over to Husk, noticing Niffty was on his head. He didn't seem to mind as he picked up the remote and put the movie on. My heart was beating extremely fast, and I thought Alastor noticed it because he immediately rested his hand  on my shoulder, calming me down. I tried to show him I was fine and gently took his hand off my shoulder, hoping no one saw it.

In the middle of a movie, there was a suspense scene. The only sound of the others were crunches of the popcorn and snacks. Niffty has been a pain and got out of her seat to stab a bug she saw crawling around multiple times. I was trying so hard not to look away. The others seemed unbothered as I was the only one scared and flinching, trying my hardest not to yelp. Alastor's hand creeped on to my thigh, making my red. It was dark so nobody could really tell what was going on. I tried swatting his hand away, but he squeezed my thighs harder. Is this his way of teasing me? I tried to move my thigh away, but Alastor pulled it closer to him. I was embarrassed, because anyone could turn on the light and see what was going on.

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