[0] Prologue

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They say things in the past are best left forgotten, especially when it's painful. There are those who learn to forget about it and move on with their lives, while some hold on to the pain using it as a constant reminder of who they used to be. The question that everyone asked themselves is, what should one do if the past comes back to her not just them but the people they love?

It's been about a year since the incident that shook the whole of Japan. In the year 2022, a game known as My Hero Online was released to the public, where players can dive into another world and go on quests and adventures. But on the day of its release, the creator, Toshinori Yagi a.k.a All Might, trapped around 10,000 people in the game, locking them in a prison where the only means of escape was to climb the floating tower, Musutafu, beat the boss of every floor and venture up to the 100th floor to beat the final boss.

Some players went into a panic and hid, while some used the powers they were given and fought to beat the game. Among the players, was a young boy who is not only a solo player but a former beta tester of the game. He ventured the first few floors on his own with the knowledge he had, while sharing them among the players who had difficulty getting through. He was dressed head to toe in green and was known by many names like Beater, or the Jade Rabbit. Though he mostly played solo, he made bonds, found love, and gained courage to even take on the final boss who reveals himself to not only be the leader of the largest organization in the game but also the creator of the game itself.

4,000 players have died in the game, but thanks to the heroic efforts of the green-haired player, 6, 000 people were able to escape and return to their normal lives. With the players free and the creator of the game dead, all of Japan believed that the My Hero Online incident could finally be forgotten, nothing but a distant memory. But sadly, that's not the case for some MHO survivors.

On December 6th, 2025, police were chasing a man who was running on foot after he had robbed a nearby convenience store. The man ran so fast that he was able to outrun a few police cars. He rushed straight into a nearby park, where the police cars couldn't drive with all the people. Just when the thief thought he was able to get away, one man jumped out of his car and ran after him with Incredible speed. So fast in fact, that it didn't take him more than 10 seconds, to finally catch up to the man, pouncing on him from behind, and slapping the handcuffs on his wrists. The people who were watching stopped their walking and talking, and gave him a round of applause to the officer as he helped the thief up to his legs. The other officers rushed out of their cars, caught up with the man, and helped drag the thief into one of the cruisers.

One of the officers approached the one who captured the thief and said, "Damn Tensei, caught the guy in 3.5 seconds? That's a new record. You sure live up to the name Ingenium"

"Hey, hey don't go calling me that in public. It's embarrassing," the man said walking beside the officer who called him that nickname. "I'd before you just call me by my normal name, Tensei Iida"

"C'mon, how many years have we been partners huh? Besides, wasn't your little brother the one who gave you that name?" the officer said putting an arm around Tensei's shoulder. "Oh, I remember the day when that kid came by the police station and called you that in front of everyone, even the Chief"

"Please, don't remind me of that," Tensei said as he blushed at the bitter memory. "Our parents were the ones who told him to call me that. And he's not a kid anymore, he's a full-grown teenager"

The two of them decided to sit on a nearby bench and gaze upon everyone walking hand and hand, running with their children, or even having picnics.

"How is he doing by the way, your brother?" the officer asked. In response, Tensei smiled while lowering his head.

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