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"No ones there

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"No ones there.." Mayumi thought as she circled the building, making her way closer with each round in order to see clearly

Unfortunately for her, what she was met with was the sight of a man, a tall and freakishly built man wearing a granny's jumper and a devilish smirk

They made eye contact

He was gone

"Huh?" Was all she managed to get out before she and Nue crashed through a building, the winged beast disappearing as Mayumi picked off some broken glass from her arm, looking ahead to see that same man walking towards her

One blink and he was closer

Another blink he was gone

"Behind me!" She thought, managing to take her sword out in time and cut the man's hands

But he was quicker, moving out of the way and throwing her out of the five-story building, Mayumi using nue to land safely

"How the hell did he get down here so quickly?!" She thought as the man raced at her, Mayumi managing to hold her own and block some of his attacks, although she knew her arms would be bruised and beaten after this

"He's like maki, he has zero cursed energy.." She thought as she used rabbit escape to cause a rift between them, hightailing it out of there and behind a nearby building only to hear footsteps behind her

"I don't even know you!!" She yelled, her toads grabbing onto the man's legs in an attempt to slow him down only for him to destroy two of the Shikigami with his bare hands

"If he has no cursed energy.. my domain won't even work on this monster!" She thought, jumping over some rubble only for the man to appear in front of her, slowly walking around as if he were a lion circling their cornered prey

He grabbed a fucking sign and chucked it at her

"Hell no!" She screamed, grabbing the sign and using it as a shield to run towards the man, whacking him over the head with it

He didn't even flinch

There was a very, very noticeable dent in the stop sign yet he was the same as ever

"I did not sign up for this" Mayumi thought as she held her sword up "Screech nue!" She yelled, her sword doubling in size but her attacks were futile, the mystery man managing to dodge almost all of them without a problem, Mayumi dipped into the shadows and appeared behind him, grabbing onto his neck in an attempt to strangle him only for him to grab her arm and throw her forwards

"She just used shadows to travel.." Toji thought as he stared at the girl, waiting for her to get up

Mayumi did just that, standing up with a worried yet determined look in her eyes as she brought her sword up, a deer behind her seemingly healing her wounds as she waited for the now, wide-eyed stranger's next attack

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