How they are after the breakup

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He tries to get on with his life. Knowing he made a huge mistake. He smiles and jokes around with the team but deep down, he's hurting. He would cry himself to sleep each night, wanting you to crawl into bed with him and comfort him.

But it hurt every time knowing you're not there for him.


He convinces himself it's for the best. He say its going to help his hockey but really, he's worse. Missing the net, forgetting to put on a piece of gear, gets tripped so easily. 

He shuts the world out. Doesn't listen when people are talking, forgets to eat from time to time. He stopped playing hockey and would get excited whenever he sees you but then stops, realizing that you're not his anymore. It kills him more each day.


He thinks of all the great times you had together. Playing hockey, cuddling, play fighting, hold handing hands, everything. He thinks of your favourite colour, song, his hoodie that you claimed but then showed up outside his door a day later.

He doesn't think or look at any other girl but you. He doesn't try to talk to you about what happened because he can't find the words. And he knows he's never going to find anyone like you who made him feel safe and happy and loved. 


He moves on with Mindy. He continues on with his life like nothing happened. A few weeks after is when reality hit him. He finds himself waiting for you to sit next to him, waiting for you to stop by his locker. Just waiting for you. 

He thought being with Mindy was going to be everything more than what you had. But he wasn't happy. She smile like you did, she didn't look at him like you did. She just wasn't you. And he realized that all he was waiting for in life. Someone like you. And he screwed things up.

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