Chapter 1

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"OI, KID! Where do you think you're going?!" yelled Rayne as he saw a black-haired kid run away. He looked at the kid, "Tch! Mash is always like that! A bastard!". The school was over, and people hurried home except for Mash. As usual, he went to the school's backyard, ready to be bullied by Rayne, "That's what you get for ignoring me!" Mash looked around and didn't want to look at his bully. "Anyway, I want to ask you, Where's your friend? Lloyd? You guys are friends, right?" Mash kept his mouth shut, not wanting to speak. Rayne loses his patience, "SPEAK UP!" Mash took the opportunity to run away again. "WOI! COME BACK, YOU BRAT!" Rayne let him go. He didn't want to waste his energy to chase him. He looked around the school, "I'm going to miss this school."

Two years have passed since Rayne went to high school. Mash and his friends enjoyed their life together. However, sometimes Llyod and others pick on someone. He tried to stop them, but they wouldn't budge.

"Class! Before we start our lesson, I want to introduce you to your new classmate, Finn Ames." said the teacher. People started to mutter, "Ames? Isn't that Rayne's last name too?" "Another Ames?" "Is he evil?" Finn, who stood in front of the class, frowned as he saw his classmates look at him with worried and hated looks. Mash stared at the new kid until someone poked him from behind. It was Llyod, "Hey! Isn't that Rayne's little brother? They looked almost the same." Mash shrugged off, "What's the bust? Is there something wrong?" He confused. Llyod sighed, "Of course, there's a problem! He might become like his brother, A BULLY! Though, he looks quite weak." Mash munched his favorite food, Cream puff while listening to his dear friend.

"PLEASE PAY ATTENTION!" cried the teacher. "Now, Finn, I want you to introduce yourself." told the teacher, but Finn stood there as if he couldn't hear the words. The teacher tapped his shoulder, "Finn?" the new student turned his head toward his teacher and smiled. He took a chalk from the teacher's desk and wrote on the chalkboard.

Hello, everyone! Nice to meet you all!

He waited for a few seconds and erased the words from the chalkboard. He then wrote something else.

My name is Finn Ames, but you can call me Finn! Unfortunately, I'm deaf."

He erased the chalkboard again and wrote on the chalkboard.

But I hope we can get along well using this book.

He let out a notebook from his backpack and showed it to the whole class.

People started to mutter again. "Finn, Your seat is in front of Mash." the teacher pointed at the empty seat. Finn understood what the teacher was saying. "OK, everybody! Back to our lesson. Open your textbook, page 32." The teacher wrote it down on the chalkboard. Mash couldn't focus on what the teacher said. He was staring at Finn from the back. Then, his deskmate, Aiko, disturbed him, "I think he's a bit weird." Mash looked to his side, "What do you mean?" Aiko began to chuckle, "Finn. His brother used to bully you, right? We can have revenge!" she kept her mouth in a slow tone. Mash then looked at Finn back, "No. It's not his fault. He isn't a bully." She crossed her arms and felt irritated.

It's so bad-
Should I continue this?

Silent voice // MashfinnWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt