[10] 🍁 HEARTBEAT 🍁

Start from the beginning

Dushala looked away to hide her tears that started to well up in her eyes but Krisha made her look at her and wiped them "I wanted to deny but Jyesht already promised my hand to sindhuraj Jayadrath and even pitashree agreed to the proposal they sent us, and after that I just couldn't musher the confidence to tell them I already love someone else" Dushala explained.

She's not weak but she's just scared of what if nobody listens to her and forcefully gets her married right away because Panchal and Hastinapur, haven't quite been on good terms from a long time so what guarantees that they will accept her relationship with the yuvraj of Panchal happily. And she does not want to spend her life with anyone else except him, even this thought is terrifying to her because if something like this happened, she would die.

"My bhrata Krishna has once told me that instead of worrying about something that is yet to happen we should focus on our present and our deeds and karma. So don't worry about the future jiji because we don't know what it held for you, for all of us" Krisha spoke stroking Dushala's hair.

"And I promise you I will help you in every way possible to make sure you don't marry someone you do not love" Krisha held her hand and promised her and Dushala also tightens her grip on her hand with a smiled, she knows that God will never let her lose her love and this little hope is the only reason why she's still going on with everything.

"You both are here and I was searching for you everywhere" Draupadi exclaimed coming inside the tent and informed them that the dinner is prepared and the princes are already done so they should come before the food turns cold. "Bhabhi shree you could have sent a dasi to inform us. I'm observing, you didn't take even a bit of rest from morning and I'm sure if you keep on doing this you'll get sick" Dushala quaked being worried for Draupadi.

She just realised how this lady is single handedly taking care of everything and everyone without even taking some little rest and now she's feeling guilty because nowadays she's so emerged in herself or she should say her dilemma and sorrow that she doesn't even focus on her surrounding.

"It's okay Dushala I'm fine. Don't worry, it's just a part of a married woman's life that you'll be too soon going to experience and trust me doing things for your family and taking care of them is something that one can never get tired of" Draupadi explained sweetly and patted Dushala's chin.

They then had their dinner while chit chatting and laughing. Dushala was feeling a little lighter to finally talk about her inner turmoil with someone and after the dinner she went to her tent to rest for the night after greeting goodnight to Draupadi and Krisha.

Draupadi on the other hand wasn't feeling like sleeping right now so she took Krisha to her tent to spend some time with her and they started talking and then Krisha started narrating a story about how once she and her bhrata Krishna got caught red handed by Devaki mata while stealing makhan and sweets for four of them and got punished and Dau and Subhadra jiji didn't even saved them.

In the middle of her narration she realised Draupadi had fallen asleep so she pulled the blanket over her and went out of her tent.

Krisha forgot her shawl in Draupadi's tent but didn't bother to go back and started walking to her tent but soon regretted her decision when a cold wind blew by her making her shiver and she increased her pace while rubbing her arms. Her tent was at the end and literally if someone is to kidnap her today, nobody is even going to know.

She came out of her thoughts when someone wrapped a shawl around her "I must say you're really brave to walk out on such a cold night without a shawl" Arjun said giving her a smile "or stupid" she added with a small laugh.

They continued walking until they reached her tent "your tent shouldn't be at last, there must be some mistake it was supposed to be in the middle with Draupadi and Dushala. If you want you can change it with mine" Arjun offered "no it's okay, it's totally fine" Krisha tried to assure him.

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