Waiting for my love

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Abalone stayed at the republic for a year and a half before taking a deep breath and going back into Custard's chamber "Custard cookie..." he said in a disappointed tone. "You're departing again...aren't you..?" Custard replied to him as he turned away from his desk to come face to face with Abalone "I know i said i'd stay longer until your birthday but-" Custard silenced him by placing a book on his lips "I know...but its okay, its your dream to become like your father anyways, and i'm not gonna stop you" Custard smiled at him. Later on, The ship of Abalone started to take action and prepared everything they needed, weapons, food and other useful supplies "Are you sure you'll be alright? I might get worried because of-" "I'll be alright Abalone, besides i'll be waiting for you in the garden where we first met" He said in a polite and unworried tone "Thank you Custard.." "Captain we're ready to go!" One of his crewmates yelled out, Lord Oyster looked at Abalone before going into the ship "You coming captain?" "Yes i'll be there" Abalone gave Custard one last kiss "Please don't worry..i'll be back soon" He ran off to the ship and sailed. "I'll be waiting for you!" Custard yelled out, he looked at the young Oyster cookie "And you.." He kneeled down "You'll be apart of the republic just like your father one day, alright?" He smiled at the young Oyster, she bowed down and smiled back "Yes indeed!" He stands back up and took Oyster back into the republic.

As Abalone cookie set sails to the duskgloom sea, his crewmates were looking at the map Abalone directed to where his father located where the gem mermaids were "We're here captain! those mermaids could be in there somewhere" Abalone nods "GET THE NETS READY YA SCALLYWAGS!" He commanded.
(I ain't typing allat so lets just go to the part where Abalone dies <3)
As the cursed Gem mermaid attacked the ship, Abalone was sinking all the way down to the deep, he tried to swim but the mermaid's tentacles pulled him down to drown as he slowly starts to lose his breathing and his vision. Meanwhile back at the republic, Custard was at the garden waiting for Abalone to come back. Every morning he comes to the garden, every afternoon after lunch he comes to the garden, every evening he comes to the garden, even at night he comes to the garden but, yet again Abalone hasn't returned. He waited for days, weeks, months and even years, his temper started to get worse, He realized Abalone might've broken their promise, which caused him trust issues and sudden aggression. Abalone's body which was dissolving in the water was about to disappear but suddenly his ghost was able to escape his dying body "what the.." he was confused, he looked at how transparent and cyan color his entire body was "I'm a ghost...*gasp* Custard cookie!" he realized it has been decades since he last saw Custard, he started his journey to find his way back to Custard again, to maybe fix everything that changed.

⭐️Unseen Passion⭐️ (Ghost!Abalone x Mortal!Elder Custard)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora