Chapter Six: Artificial Seeing Eye - Ase's Birth!

Start from the beginning

"I don't follow sir." Ase replies.

"You are a special Ase, not only are you the first Ase but you are also a special Ase." Steven explains and he coughs while covering his mouth with a handkerchief and he clears his throat.

"I don't follow, sir." Ase explains.

"Ase, I programmed you to be a guide for my daughter... In my place. In a roundabout way, you are me." Steven explains, "It is the reason you sound like me. Your children, the other Ase will answer to you and my daughter. Her voice is already in your memory bank."

"Pumpkin." Ase states.

"Yes, our sweet little pumpkin. She's sixteen now. In two years... I'll be gone and it'll be up to you to protect my daughter." Steven explains.

"And if I can't protect her by myself?" Ase asks.

"Well, then I expect my good friend will be there to help her out." Steven explains and looks at a picture of Steven standing with a white-ish blond haired male with blue eyes as he stands in a blue outfit with an IR on his hat.

"Your friend?" Ase asks.

"Her Godfather, Jeff Tracy. We haven't spoken in years but if I recall... before our wives died, he had a young son her age who was captivated by my daughter's beauty. He's got a lot of his father's prowess for the ladies in him." Steven explains, "If she should ever be in trouble, contact International Rescue. They'll bring her to safety."

"Yes, sir." Ase replies.

"There's only so much you can do, Ase, so when she needs physical aid, look to them." Steven explains.

[Three Years Ago]

"Your health is declining, Steven. It is time to decide what you plan to do with Ase when you're gone." Patricia explains.

"It's been decided." Steven explains.

"What do you mean it's been decided?" Patricia fires back.

"Ase will and always has belonged to Mia." Steven explains.

"I am your wife, you can't leave me with nothing." Patricia replies.

"I'm not leaving you with nothing. I'm leaving my daughter in your care. Yes, she'll have Ase, but she'll need a human to be there for her as well." Steven says.

"Leave the company to me and she can be on the board." Patricia explains.

"She is my heir. It's final." Steven replies.

"We'll just see about that." Patricia replies.

[Two Years Ago]

Mia was fitted with Ase and about a month later, Steven passed away. It was then that Ase activated his default programming.

"Don't be sad, Pumpkin. I'm right here." Ase tells Mia.

"Father..." Mia explains as she gets tears in her blank eyes.

"And I'll always be there with you." Ase tells her.

"I want to do more than live idly in darkness." Mia explains.

"Where would you like to go?" Ase asks.

"I'd like to go somewhere where I can feel the warmth on my cheeks." Mia explains.

"Right away." Ase replies.


"That seemed a lot harder for you than you make it sound, Mia." John tells her, gently holding her hand.

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