Part 2: Pushing it

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The place was huge, I'd never seen anything like it. I also met a few more gootraxians, who all of course tried to turn me into one of them, to which I gave the same response I gave to Clera. There was Clera, who is kind of bossy, but still friendly, Trey, an orange cheery gootraxian, Ryan, an angry and overall rude dark blue gootraxian, and Kira, a red and talkative gootraxian. Ryan was the one who just kept insisting on turning me into one of them, no matter how many times I said no. A few hours later, I was minding my own business, just standing around by myself, when he walked into the room I was in, and looked at me angrily
-"Why won't you just accept it and become one of us? There's more positives than negatives. Humans are just inferior, so you should let me turn you into one of us, for your own sake."
I kept denying his many offers
-"I don't care if I will get more positives than negatives. I'm staying human whether you like it or not."
Hearing this, he looked to get angry and walked right up to me, looking into my eyes with his usual cold expression
-"I will force it onto you, if it comes to it."
I grabbed him by the collar at this remark, and lifted him up with relative ease, and a look of fear was plastered on Ryan's face
-"I'd like to see you try."
Just then, Clera walked in and saw the situation unfolding in front of her. She walked over to me, and pulled my arm away from Ryan's neck, but when he apologized, she slapped him, and yelled at him
-"Do you not care about the human's trust at all?! He could be useful, but if he betrays us, he could kill all of us! You're pushing it!"
Ryan looked guilty now, and looked at the ground with his head hung low while being scolded. Clera suddenly turned to me and said in a much softer tone than before
-"Sorry about him. He just doesn't know when to quit, huh?"
I nodded, but still felt kind of bad for scaring him hat much.
-"So, are you gonna yell at me now?"
She laughed at my response
-"No, I think that was reasonable to do, because he would've kept annoying you. This is the only way to fix him."

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