Wistful wishes of young love

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Cool sea water lapping at your ankles and the sky ablaze with bright hues of orange and yellow, you breathed out a sigh of contentment as you rested your head on your boyfriend's broad shoulder. Two seconds later you felt his lips press a loving kiss in your hair as he wraps a muscular arm around your mid-section and gently tug you closer against his side as you both watched the sun slowly sink below the horizon.

Deciding to take advantage of this rare moment of peace, you glanced up to observe Tsukasa's handsome features and was further pleased to see his usually stoic expression replaced with a state of serenity. Stress lines absent from his forehead, brown eyes aglow with happiness and his long locks of brown hair billowing in the breeze; Tsukasa's face revealed a raw tenderness that you knew reflected the true nature of his heart.

While your loving boyfriend Shishio Tsukasa always tried to set aside some time for you, life always seems to be getting in the way as of late. Between hectic school schedules coupled with the drama of being a teenager, it sometimes felt that either of you barely saw the other for weeks on end. However to be fair you knew that dating relationships were very tricky to navigate and yours was no different. Plus you already had a clear understanding beforehand that Tsukasa would be busy with fulfilling extra obligations of his own with the MMA as well as the occasional TV special appearance.

A selfish part of you didn't want Tsukasa to be partaking in the MMA fights—you heard of how brutal cage fighting can be and the thought of Tsukasa getting hurt made you sick to your stomach. Why and how people find anything so violent to entertaining was something you'll never be able comprehend. Heck Tsukasa himself had even confided with you in private that he absolutely loathed cage fighting and how much he wanted to walk away from it all were it not for the fact that he desperately needed the money to pay for Mirai's hospital bills.

All that being said however, you knew all too well how much he cared for his little sister. His brotherly fondness and devotion and towards her being one of the reasons you fell for him in the first place. Still sometimes your aching heart couldn't help, but wish there was some way to ease his burdens so he didn't have to endure so many hardships.

"(Y/N) what's going on inside that head of yours?" Asked Tsukasa, his husky voice snapping out of your pensive mood.

"It's nothing dear. I'm fine." You replied not wanting to spoil this moment with your own negative thoughts. Tsukasa however wasn't convinced for even a second as he gently tilted your face up to met his.

"Please talk to me love." His brown eyes inquisitively staring into your own (y/e/c) orbs as if trying to read your mind.

"I—" realizing it was a futile effort to try hiding anything from your ever preceptive lover you let out a tired sigh before confessing. "I just wish there was some way I could help make things better for you."

Understanding dawned on Tsukasa's face as he processed your words. "(Y/N)," turning his bulk around so he could properly look at you he said. "Don't worry about me. My troubles are my own to carry."

"But that's the thing Tsukasa you shouldn't have to carry these things alone. Nobody should."

A sad smile flitted across his face as he gently moved his hands to caress your cheeks. "I'm not alone anymore (Y/N). I have you and just your being here for me already makes everything so much better."

"Still I just hate the thought of you having to hurt and used as someone's meal ticket just for money. Believe me if I'd any sort of magic to wish all your pain and sorrow away I would."

"I know." Hugging you against his chiseled chest, Tsukasa rested his chin on your head as he continued holding you in his arms. "But someday things will get better. I promise. Someday Mirai will wake up from her coma then once that happens, I'll leave all the craziness of the fast lane far behind me: No more flocking fans, no more public obligations or TV appearances. It'll just be the three of us you, me and Mirai."

In spite of your previous anxieties, you couldn't help the small chuckle escaping from your lips. "Yea; and I don't suppose you've given any thought as to what do you'll want to do next?"

"Just the main points of importance. Once you and I graduate, we'll get married, then relocate with Mirai to a safer neighborhood where we can finally settle down as a family."

Your heart swelled with adoration at seeing Tsukasa looking so elated as he described all his hopes and dreams for the future. "That sounds like a beautiful dream. One I hope will come true."

"As long I have you by my side. I have faith it will."

"I hope so," you replied gently kissing over the area where his heart was located. "because you're the only man I wish to spend the rest of my life with."

"You have no idea how happy I am to hear you say that." Said Tsukasa gazing at you as if you'd just handed him the moon and stars.

"Well it's the truth. I mean aside from being kind, gentle, and handsome; how can I not fall in love with you."

Letting out a heartfelt chuckle, Tsukasa modestly ducked his head in acknowledgement of your sincere compliments. Then angling his face ever so slightly Tsukasa pressed a tender, loving kiss to your lips before moving his forehead against your own. "And you are the sweetest girl in the world. The one I've been waiting for all my life. I love you (Y/N), with all my heart."

"I love you too Tsukasa. Forever and always."

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