Adore You - Jason Todd

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Ah, late shifts, the bane of your existence. You're tired, the customers are tired, and it generally creates one of two situations. Situation A) the interaction comes and goes as quickly as possible without much talking. Then you have situation B) the customer treats you like literal human garbage because they're tired and in a bad mood.

Unfortunately for you, tonight was one of those nights where the ladder was more common. One lady got upset at you for her drink being too cold, refusing to leave you alone until you made her a new one. A guy got mad when you said you didn't have almond milk, like that was somehow your fault. Another guy got a little too touchy-feely with your coworker, forcing you to kick him out before things escalated.

Needless to say, you were exhausted by closing time. Not only were you exhausted, but Jason was finally taking a night off being Red Hood and you were missing him. Once you both closed up the café, you checked in on your coworker to make sure they were alright. They said they'd call you if anything happened, and you went your separate ways.

You take a deep breath through your nose, turning it into a sigh as it comes out of your mouth. Tomorrow is another day, now you could focus on getting home. Your frustration cleared the further you walked, humming quietly as you padded up the stairs and opened your apartment door.

You were greeted by Jason on the sofa, wearing a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt. He was reading underneath the warm light of the lamp, a movie playing softly in the background. God, did he look gorgeous like that, with his hair ruffled and the almost flame-colored glow of the lightbulb on his skin. The intense focus in his eyes had your heart melting.

You toe your shoes off by the door and move straight to the bedroom, changing into more comfortable clothing. After tossing your work uniform in the hamper, you race to the couch and flop down next to Jason. He chuckles, marking his place in the book and placing it down as he turns his attention to you.

"So, is this how you feel when I come home so late?" You give him an amused huff, "I didn't come home at four in the morning with multiple stab wounds and a blood trail behind me." His smile widens as he shakes his head, "how was your night?" "Rough, to say the least," you frown at the thought of it.

Jason hums, scooting closer to you and wrapping his arms around you. You lean into his plush chest as he moves to lay you down on top of him. You settle yourself on him, thankful for the soft layer of his belly and the muscle beneath it. You wrap your arms around him and rest your head in the crook of his neck, turning it to the side and using his shoulder as a pillow.

Jason turns up the volume of the T.V. before pulling you closer into him, enveloping you in his warmth. You start to close your eyes, "you know, you're really comfy." Jason's laughs, the vibration rumbling through your chest, "thank you? That's one of the stranger compliments you've given to me." "Just take the compliment, Jay," you mumble, leaving a few kisses along his neck.

"Whatever you say, sweetheart," Jason replies. He runs his hand up and down your back, only making you melt further into him. Your muscles ache before loosening and relaxing. You yawn, kissing his neck one more time before following it up with, "I love you." His arms find a resting spot in the middle of your back as a comfortable weight, "I love you too, [Name]."

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