Talk Too Much - Kyle Rayner

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You're stirred awake by the sound of the bedroom door opening - who wouldn't be? Los Angeles was almost as dangerous as Gotham. Almost. Compared to some of the stories you'd heard from Gothamites, you were treated like royalty.

With a grumble, you sluggishly lift your head off the pillow, your hand clumsy as it searches for the knife hidden by the side of the mattress. You flinch when a hand places itself atop your head, heart starting to race until you hear that voice.

That damn buttery voice you would be happy to listen to for hours. "It's just me. It's okay. Please don't stab me," he purrs as he lifts his hand from your head. You smile as you roll over, meeting his gaze, "like I'd be able to."

You squint as the green glow around him invades your vision, "babe-" "I know." He takes his ring off, the uniform fading as he sits beside you. "Is that better?" "Yeah," you sit up with a yawn, leaning into him, "how was your night?"

He strokes your hair before standing, starting to change out of his clothes, "nothing new. The usual bad guy here, a mission debriefing there..." Kyle turns to you for a moment, raising an eyebrow as he watches you start to doze off, "are you listening?"

You yawn again as you nod and wrench your eyes open, "mhm." He smiles, running a hand through his hair as he slips his shirt off, tossing it into the ever growing pile of dirty laundry.

"We should probably do something about that," he states absentmindedly. You nod, even though your gaze is still focused on him, "I'll do it tomorrow." "Works for me," he soughs, laying down next to you, groaning as his muscles finally relax.

He closes his eyes, focusing on the quiet sanctuary of the bedroom until he feels you lay beside him with a sigh. A fond smile comes to Kyle's face as he looks over at you, rolling onto his side. Your eyes meet for a brief moment as he traces the side of your face.

"Hey," he smiles, moving his hand to hold yours. "Hey," you echo, gasping his hand in return, "are we busy tomorrow?" Kyle gives a silent, airy chuckle, "that depends. What do you have in mind?" "There's a restaurant that opened nearby that I've heard good things about."

The Lantern nods, "I'm sure we can arrange that."

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