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>>> Can I co-write?
Sadly, co-written stories will not be accepted. We are sorry if this causes any disappointment.

>>> I submitted 2+ stories. What will happen?
Only the earliest submission will be considered for judging since we will accept only one entry per author.

>>> Where should I publish my story?
We encourage new drafts as we will be checking for their creation date.

>>> Is Fanfiction allowed?
Sadly, we cannot accept fanfiction stories. We prefer original storylines with original characters and worlds that belong entirely to you.

>>> Is Poetry or Short Story Anthologies allowed?
Since we are aiming to help you have a fantasy story at the end of this challenge, we will only accept prose. Poetry and Anthologies will not be accepted.

>>> Can my story be mature?
Yes, as long as they adhere to Wattpad's Content Guidelines.

>>> Does author notes count toward the word count? How about Prologues?
Author notes are welcome and they won't affect the word count. However, we do suggest you clearly mark them as an author note. Prologues, on the other hand, count towards your totals.

>>> What will you look at during judging?
Since this is foremost a challenge, we will be looking at how well you followed the guidelines and completed what they asked for. For the contest part, we will mostly be looking at the immersiveness of your world, the quality of your narrative, the flow of your scenes starting from the hook, and of course, the overall enjoyability. To remain fair and unbiased, all judges are excluded from participating.

>>> How many chapters are allowed?
You are welcome to splice your chapters however you wish as long as the total is greater than 15,000 words.

For any specific questions that are not found in this part, feel free to ask in the comments. Submissions will open on March 01, 2024, 12 AM GMT +8.

The Journey of Legends 2024Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang