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Bajis' POV:

As laughter and banter filled the hospital room, I couldn't help but notice Y/N's distant expression. She seemed lost in her own thoughts, her eyes betraying a hint of worry that tugged at my heartstrings. Without a word to the others, she slipped out of the room, leaving behind a palpable sense of unease.

Concern gnawed at me as I watched her go, her figure disappearing down the corridor. Without hesitation, I made up my mind to follow her, knowing that whatever was troubling her needed to be addressed.

Arriving beside her, "Hey, Y/N," I began softly "Is everything okay?"

Y/N sighed, her shoulders slumping slightly as she shook her head. "I'm not sure, Baji. I just... I can't shake this feeling of unease."

I frowned, my own worry deepening at her words. "What do you mean?"

Y/N hesitated for a moment, her brow furrowed in thought. "I don't know, it's just... everything that's been happening lately. Draken getting stabbed, the tension with other gangs, it's all starting to feel... I don't know, ominous."

I nodded in understanding, my own concerns mirroring hers. "Yeah, I get that. It's been a rough ride lately."

Y/N glanced at me, her eyes filled with uncertainty. "Do you ever feel like... like Mikey and Draken are keeping something from us? Like there's something they're not telling us?"

I began softly, falling into step beside her.

"Hey, Y/N," I interjected gently, placing a hand on her arm to stop her. "I know things have been rough lately, but you have to remember, Mikey and Draken would never hide anything from you. You're Toman's second in command, their right-hand woman. If anything big was going on, they'd tell you."

Y/N nodded, though the doubt still lingered in her eyes. "I know, I know," she murmured. "It's just... everything feels off, you know? Like there's something lurking beneath the surface that we're not seeing."

I sighed, understanding her apprehension all too well. "Yeah, I get that. But we can't let fear cloud our judgment. Whatever it is, we'll face it together."

Y/N smiled gratefully at me, her expression softening with relief. "Thanks, Baji. I needed to hear that."

As we resumed our walk, I couldn't help but feel a surge of determination coursing through me. No matter what challenges lay ahead, I was determined to stand by Y/N's side and support her through it all.

"And hey," I added, offering her a reassuring smile. "If you ever need someone to talk to, I'm here for you, okay? You don't have to face whatever's going to happen alone."

Y/N's smile widened, a glimmer of gratitude shining in her eyes. "Thanks, Baji. I appreciate it more than you know."

As we strolled down the street towards, Y/N looked me in the eye, "Hey, Baji," she began, her voice soft but determined. "I know it's a bit of a random ask, but I really need to make duplicates of my housekeys. And, well, do you want to come with me?."

Her question caught me off guard, but I masked my surprise with a reassuring smile. "of course, pretty face." Y/N's shoulders visibly relaxed at my response, a small smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "Thanks, Baji"

As we reached the locksmith, Y/N explained her plan to the attendant, her words tinged with determination. "I need two copies of this key, please." she said, handing over the original key with a sense of purpose.

A True Family | Manjirou Sano (Mikey) x fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now