S1-E4: Revenge of the Man Crab

Start from the beginning

Fred and Daphne then finally come over and take notice of the clam cones the assistant is holding. Fred: "Mmm. Those look good. A big salty clam would sure go great with this heat. You want one, Daph?" Daphne: "No! Fred, you know what happens when I get near seafood. You remember my sister's wedding. I was so swollen I couldn't even fit in the bridal airlock." Nakala was disgusted at the thought of how she would've looked. Fred: "Hey, don't worry, Daph. Those clams aren't close enough to cause you any trouble. Hey, Skipper, didn't your cabin used to be over there, where the volleyball courts are?" he asks as Skipper brings four clam cones over, to which Scooby ate two of them immediately. Skipper: "Aye! Every time the town has an event on the beach, they move me business. Blast ye, City Council! Arrh! Ehh! I need a clammin' break. Watch me cabin." he says as he walks off with a barrel." Shaggy slurps with happiness and a food loving look as he eyes the clam cones that.

Fred: "Come on. Let's get our seats for the first match." he says as he grabs the clam cones and walks off with Daphne. Velma looks at Shaggy as she growls at him for looking at the food. Shaggy shrugs at her for he didn't really understand the problem. Shaggy: "Aw, come on, Velma. Can't I even look?" he asks as he follows her to the seats. Nakala stayed behind with Scoob for a bit just to pet his head, to which Scooby enjoyed. "[light chuckle] You're a good boy, Scooby-Do--[gasps]" Nakala's eyes widened a bit and watered as he looked behind them. Scooby notices this and looks to where Nakala is looking, only to see nothing. Scooby: "Huh? Uh, what ris it?" Nakala quickly regain his composure and shakes head before looking back at Scoob. Nakala: "I-It's nothing." "Huh?" "[looks back at the spot] I felt like we were being watched." This starts to freak Scooby out as he hears how serious Nakala is about it. "[gulps] Let's ret out of here." "[calm, soft voice] Yeah. Race ya?" "Huh? [laughs] You're on!" he says giving Nakala his game face. Nakala: "Ready? Go!" The two laugh as they race to see who catches up to the others first. But little did the two know is that a pair of eyes popped out of the sand to see them run off then go back under. A seagull lands on the spot the eyes were just at, then a giant claw quickly grabs the seagull and pulls it under.

Few moments go by and the gang is up in the stands watching the girls volleyball game. Though most of the gang weren't really focused on the game, much. Nakala is keeping an eye out for anything off, because he knows his sudden instincts never lied. He knows something was watching them, but what? Shaggy was too focused on the food three kids below them have as he slurps. Velma scoots closer to Shaggy with dreamy eyes, but Scooby gets in between them and puts his arm/legs around the two. Scooby: "Great game, huh?" Velma: "[annoyed] Yeah, great." Daphne: "[to Fred] You know, we're still close to the water. All kinds of fish in there." Fred wasn't paying attention to her at all, though. Fred: "Yep. They're so beautiful." "[anger] The girls?!" "[chuckles] No. The nets." This caught Nakala's attention as he looked Fred with a "What did you just say?" face. Daphne & Nakala: "Nets??" Fred: "I wonder what they're tensile strength is. They're nylon. Absolutely perfect for traps." Daphne does another sad sigh as Nakala puts a hand on her shoulder. Nakala: "Hey, Velm? Wanna go on a walk with me and Daph?" Velma: "No one here's gonna miss us."

Before the three could stand up, rumbling can be heard and felt throughout the entire court. Shaggy: "Scooby-Doo, is that your stomach?" Scooby: "Uh-uh, not my stomach." Everyone in the crowd then sees a giant red claw reach out of the sand and grab the volleyball. After it pops the ball, it comes out of the sand to reveal it belonging to a giant man crab. It lets out a loud roar and the girls right next to it run away while the crowd takes a moment to comprehend what they're looking it. Daphne: "Is it a crab, or is it a man?!" Nakala: "It looks like both." Shaggy: "Like, it's a--a mab. Um, a--a cran." Scooby: "I--It's a man crab!" The man crab goes over to where the gang is sitting and tries to smash them with its giant claw. The gang, along with three younger kids, run for their lives across the stands. Nakala looks back and notices it go under smash a hole and go under the seats, so he takes this opportunity to jump off the bleachers and on the sand. Just as he lands in the sand, the man crab breaks through the seats and smashes its giant claw down at the gang again. It misses them, but it hits a board just right to launch them and the three toddlers in the air. Luckily, there were four girls below holding one of the nets out for them to land on perfectly like they were gymnastics.

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