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The day weighed heavily on Milica's shoulders as she grappled with the unsettling encounter with Talia. Dominik, sensing a palpable shift, grew increasingly worried when Milica hadn't responded to his texts throughout the day.

Concern etched across his face, Dominik decided to go to Milica's house, hoping to find solace in her presence and understanding in her eyes. As he approached her door, he noticed it was slightly cracked open—a subtle signal that Milica wasn't ready to fully let him in.

Taking a cautious step inside, Dominik found Milica sitting on the couch, her gaze fixed on the floor. The atmosphere in the room was thick with tension, and the awkward silence hung between them like an invisible barrier.

"Milica," Dominik's voice was gentle, his concern evident, "what's going on? You haven't replied all day."

Milica, her eyes avoiding his, hesitated before responding, "I... I'm not feeling well. I didn't want to bother you."

Dominik's worry deepened, and he took a step closer. "You're not bothering me, Milica. I just want to make sure you're okay. Can I help in any way?"

Milica, torn between the truth and the fear of pushing Dominik away, chose a lie that felt safer. "I think it's best if you stay away. I don't want you to get sick."

Dominik, concern etched across his face, replied, "I don't care about that. I can make you soup or help you feel better. Let me in, Milica."

Milica, knowing Dominik wouldn't easily accept being shut out, reluctantly let him in. The room, once a sanctuary for their shared laughter and intimate conversations, now bore the weight of unspoken tension.

As Dominik tried to break through the invisible walls, the air crackled with awkwardness. Milica, struggling to maintain a façade of normalcy, couldn't escape the nagging feeling that the encounter with Talia had left fractures in the foundation of their trust.

Dominik, sensing the unease, reached out to gently touch Milica's arm. "Talk to me, Milica. I want to understand what's going on."

Milica, her eyes finally meeting his, felt the weight of the unspoken truth hanging between them. The journey ahead, marked by lingering shadows and fractured trust, seemed daunting, and neither of them could foresee the challenges that lay ahead.

Little did they know that the cracks in their relationship, born from the encounter with Talia, would become fault lines that tested the resilience of their connection. The awkwardness in Milica's living room became a metaphor for the uncertainties that now permeated their shared journey, leaving both Milica and Dominik to confront the intricacies of love, trust, and the echoes of a past that threatened to disrupt their fragile present.

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