Dear Miette [Epilogue]

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From the moment we met I knew you to be it, what the others so unlovingly deemed 'The Jinx', a fiendish creature of bad luck they say, what rubbish. You were just a girl, a poor innocent girl with no more hands to guide her and no one left to turn to.

When I found you during my evening patrols, in that damp crevice of town reeking of the rubbish piled within the trashheap, all the litter left by the townspeople to rot and waste away drenched and soaked by the night's rain. When I found you curled, huddled in the corner left with all that junk, I knew you did not belong there.

As I held you in my hand I found you alarmingly light; what I carried was a malnourished and mistreated body of a suffering being. And in that moment I rescued you from the alley and carried you back to my turf, I made sure to provide you my warmest hospitality. You were not my prisoner, you were my guest.

Interrogate. Such a despicable term. No. I refuse to interrogate you. I only wished to hear your story. From the way I saw it, you had no obligation to comply with me, no obligation to answer my inquiries if you so chose not to. To a town that failed you, you owed us nothing.

As for me, in just the moment I met you face to face, you needn't have said a word and I knew you to have suffered, suffered the unjust judgment of Salem's people for many many years of your short life. And with each passing moment that I sensed that from you, I felt the searing pain claw outward within my chest with every crack your story left on my heart.

And as you slept to the sound of my music box I was left to question our meaning of justice, and what it meant to have 'humanity'. I have seen compassion shown by the wicked and malevolence shown by the just. Disgusting.

Never more wrong was Salem's people.

You are not a fiend.
You are not a monster.
You are not evil.
You are not 'The Jinx'.

You are Miette. Such was the name you told me, so such is what I will call you. You will forever live in my memories as a victim of Salem's injustice... an injustice I so desperately needed to release you from. How ironic it was for me of all people to free you from your prison.

It was the single most devastating decision of my entire career, my entire life. But I knew, if not me, if it were the Salem people. They would ensure that you suffered. And I refuse to allow them that satisfaction. I refuse to let them hurt you any longer. I have taken you to a place where they can never hurt you again. This world did not deserve you.

While the others no doubt will continue to speak ill of your being, I will honour you until my last breath.

The judgement of Salem's corrupt people is something not even the strongest being could survive, so don't ever blame yourself for being unable to overcome it, friend.

Upon your grave I will leave you that music box, may you let its melody forever sooth you in your next life.

Rest easy, Miette.
I am truly sorry my people failed you.

Forever at your defence,

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26 ⏰

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