Chapter One

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This morning I was sitting outside waiting patiently for my cousin Yuki to finish getting ready for school. I heard Shigure talking to a girl I recognized from my home ect class. When i started walking over to him Yuki with his bag.

"Do you have a dictionary in there or something?" Shigure said, holding his head.

"Two dictionaries actually," said Yuki.

Oh it's Tohru Honda, she's my age and in my home room class. I've spoken to her once before. She's a sweet girl. Yuki asked if she wanted to walk to school with us. They talked while we walked. I didn't say much.

During school I talked to Yuki. I don't have many friends. After school I went to the main house to see Hatori for my check up for my heart. I've always hated the main house. I tried my best to avoid Akito but my best isn't hard enough.

"Hello my dearest Ryoko. I've missed you. Why haven't you been home?" Akito said.

I don't fully hate him but I also don't like him. I think I'm just scared of him in all honesty.

"I'm sorry Akito, I'll come home more often. I promise." I responded.

I ate dinner with him and Hatori. After that I leave to go back to my actual home with Shigure and Yuki. When I got home, Tohru was there and was asleep and Yuki was gone. Shigure was sitting on the floor watching her.

"Is she okay Shigure?" I asked.

"She has a temp, but she'll be okay with some rest. How was the main house?" he responded.

"You know, the usual. The food was good though. Where is Yuki?" I said. I really didn't want to talk about it.

"There was an avalanche and poor Tohru here was living in a tent and it was crushed so he went to try to get her stuff," he said.

"He's always so nice to people." I said.

Yuki has alway been the nice one between the two of us. I've always been the one t0 fight the bullies then walk away from them like he does. I've never been a people person, I prefer to be by myself and read a book. 

I leave to go up to my room. I change into my pjs and get ready for bed. As soon as I lay down I passed out.

A/n: alright my sweets heres chapter one of my story. 392 words. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26 ⏰

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