이자형.. 아침 일찍?

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❝Make history or be a part of it❞

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Make history or be a part of it

Plot Episode;
E.. Rath?

"Well, is it hot in here or is it just me?~"

An elderly women spoke as she walk from behind her grand son, Ash(?). The prince of daemos by his father, the king of daemos.

"Lady grandma?"

"Ugh.. not now grandmother." The fire demon annoyed-ly replied to the elderly women, eyes rolled to the side from her saying at.

"SILENCE, mhm! When I was queen of this land of daemos, I could have your tongue for speaking back at me!" She angry spoke back to her grandson for his rude behavior. Then look back at the trio infront of her as one ask why she was here.

"That soul you boys obtained. You need to take it unharmed to the altar now or we won't be able to use it."

"Well the person that kill to get it was harm- OW!"

Earning a wack from a wooden staff from lady grandma whom teleported infront of him.

"Don't speak I'll of the dead! Ehm. Now follow me you'll be in the new worldly soon enough.."

Walking away from the reddish/pink haired daemos, past her grandson they all follow ordered right behind her back to the castle..

Location Their home..

Walking into a room that's not filled much, but  a table a some potions and a other things. The five went into a critical and lady grandma spoke up into the quiet filled room.

"The soul."

Dark light blue horn pull the orb out of the bag he carried it in-

"Bring it to me, you handsome young man." "Huh?-"

" In order to transfer it into potion, I'll need to hold hands with one who possesses some light of magic and you just do happened to be my type Pierce."

She purred to him, giving a wink while at it. Coughing and look over to one of his partner's in the group.

"Noi, take- take it to her."


"You did say you wanted to deliver it."

The wise one reminded the yellow knight, that he did wanted to take it to the oldest daemos in the room.

"I do want to hold hands with her, she's.. old!"




The angered elder called out in a irritated(?) Tone, after hearing the yellowed horn daemos commented on not wanting to do it. Any more..

"Leaf, take it to her."

"Pardon me?"

The prince repeated with little annoyance, wanting this to get done for already.

"Did I stutter."

"I- it's just-"

"Prince ach, do you think that's a wise choice? Forgive me for questioning you but Noi is the smarter choice. We all possess limited magic and if anyone were to use the last of their magic for this, it should be Noi-"

Looking over to him while at it before looking back, the chosen one had a freak/shock all over his face.

"-Speaking tactics leaf is best at healing, Pierce can-"

"I don't care for your numbers, Noi do it."

Little timeskip bla bla bla I'm starting to get bored of writing this :')

The portal opens brightly, the room darkens as it happens.. apon figuring it out of what the new realm is.. E-arth.. all about to go in lady grandma stop them before they went..

"One more thing, take the boy. You'll need him."

Making the prince annoyed about to yell out but stop seeing.. a young knight.

"We aren't taking a new knight with us. Let along a youngling.."

Glaring at the elderly daemos, but all she did was smark at the prince.

"You shouldn't judge a book by it's cover, ach. You don't know what he can do, he may be young but... He's got talent for his age."

Giving the young knight one look again, not questioning. Letting out a frustrating huff before turning back to the portal.



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Wsp, I'm sorry I took a bit but- like I said I do take long on updating my stories, and sort that's it's short I'll do a part 2 and try to finish the rest of the first episode, but hope you enjoy the chapters even if the Mc wasn't much in there and hope my writing is alright to understand.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20 ⏰

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