Chapter 7...Draco Malfoy

Start from the beginning

Her gaze shifting to the sky, the girl found roses raining from the sky. Eyes bright in astonishment, her gaze shifted to the blonde boy again and she smiled wide.

The boy swore he had never seen such a beautiful sight before. The pretty blonde was showered in vermillion and crimson petals littering her skin. She was gorgeous.

He furrowed his brows slightly and with a wave of his wand changed the petals to green. "There," he remarked, "I think I prefer you in green."

The girl looked at him in wonder. "Tell me your name," she all but demanded.

Reaching a hand out to shake hers, the boy responded, "Draco, Draco Malfoy."

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Ever since that beautiful afternoon all those moons ago, Draco had loved Rosemary Stevens with all of his heart, and he vowed to never stop, even if she couldn't love him in the same way. The Slytherin boy knew Rose loved him as a best friend should, but he could only hope for her to love him as more. All Draco ever wanted to be was more for her. But the most insecure parts of him forbade him from believing he could ever amount to much of anything at all, so he was glad to have her in whatever way he could — irrespective of whether his heart clenched every time she referred to him as just her "best friend."

But Draco also knew he could never risk losing her. And knowing the cruel twists of fate all too well, the boy knew no one would be more likely to take the blonde beauty from him than Harry James Potter: the guy who had everything.

So for years, Draco did everything in his power to ensure that the Boy Who Lived would never catch sight of his hidden treasure — Rosemary Stevens. He would subtly shield her face when he walked by, enchant photographs of her with cloaking magic, and ensure Harry Potter never met the girl.

But much like the rest of his plans and hopes, he failed, because despite his best wishes, he could not always remain by Rosemary's side to keep her from the rest of the world. The Potter boy just had to go and crush his dreams once again, he thought. Still, he knew the truth. This was his failure. And he would just have to pay the price.

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"Rosemary, I want you to promise me you'll stay away from him. And if he gives you any trouble," the Malfoy boy released a breath as he and Rosemary continued down the hallways of Hogwarts to Divination class. "I want you to tell me immediately, and I'll take care of him for you."

The blonde girl simply rolled her eyes. This was the fifth lecture she had received this week alone. Sure, the boy's fierce sense of protection over the girl was sweet at first, but it was getting repetitive and honestly, a little annoying. "Yes, Draco," she sighed. "Now, can we please talk about something else. I feel like these days all my conversations revolve around that obnoxious, arrogant toe —"

"You called me, my Rosebud," Potter smirked. He leaned one arm up against the door frame to Divination's and used his other hand to push brush his messy hair out of his face.

Rose bit her lip and groaned. "Ughhhhh, not you again, Potter."

"Come on now, love. I know you missed me," he winked and caressed her hand. Bringing the back of her palms to his lips, he ducked his head down and gazed deep into the blonde's fiery eyes. His 6'1 frame towered over her petite one.

Despite herself, Rosemary's heart was beating a thousand miles a minute. Although the boy had been pursuing her for more than a week now, she had mot realized until now just how much taller he was than her— let alone how pretty his eyes were under the fluorescent lights — STOP! She forced herself to snap out of this entrancement, but it was too late.

A Tale as Old as Time (Harry James Potter x OC)Where stories live. Discover now