Day 1

204 17 0

[June 25th 1999]


"Forelsket." I said.

I was flipping through the pages of a magazine that had gossip about celebrities, models, photographs of exotic islands and places, and the top 10 hits on the radio.

"What?" Cory chuckled.

It was a scorching summer day and my friend Cory and I, were chilling in my garage. He was reading some poetic novel as always, and I was being nerdy, as always.

"The feeling of falling in love, The euphoria."

He set his book down.

"Now where did you learn that?" He asked.

I looked at him, my eyebrow cocking.

"I didn't. I was in my attic the other day looking for stuff to sell, And there was a sheet of paper that said Forelsket." I answered.

Cory sighed. "Josh, how do you know what it means?"

"I don't. I came up with the definition."

He nodded, shoving his face back into the book.

"Josh honey!" I heard my mothers sweet voice call. "lunch is ready!"

Cory and I stood, racing into the kitchen.

Two plates were sat neatly on the table, peanut butter and jelly for cory, and a ham sandwich for me. I wasn't able to have the same as him, due to my peanut allergy.

"Thanks mom." I said, sitting down.

I looked at her as she was putting dirty dishes into the dishwasher. Her eyes were bloodshot, cheeks puffy, and her mascara was running.

Her tears must've been caused by my father. She's caught him cheating, he's hit her twice, and he's never home.

My father is a prick, and I could care less where he's at. As long as my loving mother is happy.

I've only taken two bites by the time Cory was finished. As my mom wasn't looking, i set my plate under the table for my pet dog. He was a German Shepard and only a year old. He was named, Elum.

The canine scarfed it down in one bite.

I patted his head. "good boy." And sat the plate on the table.

I rubbed my stomach. "damn that was good, thanks mom. Cory and I are going to leave now."

We quickly got up, and ran to the garage without saying a word.

"What're you in a rush for?" Cory asked as we both hopped on our bikes.

"Chip is suppose to be meeting us at the 7 eleven to buy us a pack. I was should've been there ten minutes ago!" I explained.

"Shit." Cory muttered.

Chip was a 19 year old friend of ours that was in a band called the Sea pigs. He didn't look like much of a rocker. He just had dirty blonde hair and a lip piercing. Simple as that. Ever since he turned 18 he's agreed to buy Cory and I a pack of cigarettes for the original price. With an extra $3.

When Cory and I arrived at the corner store, Chip was chilling on the curb with a few friends, laughing and smoking a cigarette.

"Aye they're here!" Chip smiled.

I smiled nervously. "yeah sorry we're late."

He stuck the cig between his lips, smirking and putting his arms over my shoulder.

"It's all good my man. You got the dough?" Chip asked.

I shoved my hand into my pocket, giving him a crisp ten dollar bill.

He chuckled pointing to his group of friends. "this is my crew boys."

He pointed to a guy with a small quiff and some facial hair, "Tyler Joseph. The singer in Sea pigs. He's my main man."

He pointed to a girl with pastel pink hair that was pulled back in a braid. "Kara. She's my baby sister. "

Then there she was. I'm surprised I haven't noticed her yet. She was petit, but she was curvy. Her blonde hair fell to the mid of her back. Her smile was absolutely gorgeous, and God her laugh as she talked with Kara. She looked like a goddess. She wore a tight chocker that a blue glass mushroom was hung by. She had a cropped, tank top on that slightly showed her belly button piercing.

"That's Oak."

"isn't that a tree?" Cori asked.

Chip nodded. "that's not her real name. I'm not sure what her real name is honestly. But I've known her for three years. She's pretty cool."

"Oak!" Chip called waving her over. "Come meet these guys."

They all came over, I could already smell the booze and tobacco smell.

"Hi!" Oak smiled.

"Hey." We said awkwardly.

Tyler was chewing tobacco, looking me up and down. Constantly spitting every ten seconds.

"I'm josh." I pointed to myself. "And this is Cory."

Oak put her hand in my hair, ruffling it around a bit in the curls. "nice hair."

My cheeks began to heat "Um thanks."

"How old are you guys?" Kara asked.

"Seniors." Cory blurted. "we're seniors."

"Oh we graduated this year, except for the girls." Tyler said.

I nodded, the awkward silence erring.

"Could you get us the smokes now chip? I have to be home soon." I lied to break the silence.

"Sure dude. I'll be out in a sec." Chip ran into the store.

When chip came out of the gas station with our cigarettes I gave half to Cory and we parted ways. Him riding his bike to his house, and I riding my bike to mine.

I climbed out of my bedroom window and onto my roof around 1:00 am that night. The summer breeze was cool and calming.

I lit a cigarette, sticking it between my lips and taking a large inhale.

"I'm a loser." I chuckled. "I huge dorky loser. With a depressed mom and Jack ass father."

I took the stick out of my mouth, blowing away the smoke.

Then I felt it, for the first time in my entire life.


1999 ; dun [au]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें