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Author pov.

A few days later~

It is the discharge day of Wangji. Spending 72 hours in the same room, sitting idle was harder than fighting in the war.

Finally, the doctor discharged him. Lusi and Yanli are happily decorating the house to welcome Wangji. And Yuchen is helping them as he is trying hard to impress his wife, so his wife lets him sleep on the same bed as her.

And Cheng is out because of some urgent meeting but he will arrive soon.

Wangji's body is recovered but his scars need more time to fill up but it is better than before.

Doctor Kim asked Wuxian & Sean to meet him before taking him home.

Inside the Doctor's cabin~

The doctor examines the process of Wangji's recovery. Wuxian and Sean sitting across from the Doctor, waiting for the doctor to utter.

"Wangji condition is better! But I am worried about this! It is not serious yet but it can become serious later" Doctor Kim utter.

"Pardon? We didn't understand." utter Sean

"As I told Wangji is fragile and he is underweight. Due to beating, it affects his health and uterus. Before discharge, we do some check-ups. Before I say that he will maybe lose his ability to birth, that time his uterus was inactive. And if you guys want we can prescribe some drug to make his uterus productive. But right now without any drug help, it is now active. So maybe, he will have a menstruation cycle. I know it is hard to believe it but it's true."

"So you mean, Wangji became a girl?" asked Sean. Doctor Kim sigh and utter

"Nope. He is still a boy but as I told he has a uterus inside him. This was not rare as I saw a few men have a uterus but their uterus was not active. His body is different as he has female parts. God made him different and we should respect it... His uterus was active now. So if you have sex, please make sure to not make him pregnant. His body is too fragile to carry a child.   During periods, food cravings and mood swings are normal. If he has cramps,  give him a warm bag of water."

Sean and Wuxian mind was not present. They were surprised. Although Wangji is a brat but Wangji is their responsibility...

After a few details, Doctor Kim allowed them to go and take Wangji home.

They were walking suddenly their eyes glowed. Wait, what's happening? It's not happening, Right? Is she safe?

"Sean, you stay and take Wangji home. I will go and check if everything is already." Wuxian utter.

"Gege, take care," Sean uttered and hugged his brother.

Wuxian nodded and parted his way. Sean went to complete the formality of the discharge paper then he took his brat back.

Sean was driving, while Wangji sitting beside him. He observed that Wangji was way too silent today. Sean turned his car toward the mall which was opposite the house.

"Where are we going? " Wangji asked as he noticed that Sean had taken the wrong root.

"I am going to throw you in the animal centre 'cause you act like a dog...nope, you are a dog, And to tell you I don't like dogs" Sean uttered with a smirk.

Wangji frowns and then understands that Sean indicates Wangji as a dog.

He glared at him. If Look can kill then Sean might be dead right now.

"You call me dog!! Wait then let me show what this dog can do. Woo woo!!" he tries to act like a wild dog. He opened his seatbelt and jumped on Sean's lap.

Due to the sudden act of Wangji, Sean immediately stopped his car in the middle of the road.

Wangji adjusts himself in Sean's lap.

"shiyyaa!! What are you doing?"

Wangji uttered with a wicked grin "Showing you, what this wild dog can do. Woo woo!!" he barked.

Sean chuckled and said, "Go and sit on your seat!!"

"Noooo!!! I am your dog. I will not leave my owner!! Woo woo! " Wangji uttered cutely.

"Wangji, Stop being childish and go back to your seat. I have to drive." Sean tries to coax this brat to return to his seat.

But Wangji was too stubborn to leave this warmth. He liked this warmth. He doesn't have the heart to leave this warmth. Sean's body heat is kinda comfortable. Wangji hugged Sean's body and hid his face in Sean's neck.

Sean sighed and tried to ignore the tingling feeling in his tummy. He heard the horn from behind. He starts his car and Wangji is in his lap. He decides to ignore this feeling for a while.

Sean remembers that when Wangji cried for his mother. Maybe Wangji needs some warmth. So he allowed Wangji to hug him while he was driving.

After 15 mins~

They arrived in front of the mall. Sean parked his car in the parking zone.

"Wangji, leave me... Let's go out na!" he exclaimed with sweetness.

Wangji shook his head, indicating that he would not leave him.

"Nope!! I will not leave you. If u want you can carry me in this position. I know you have abs behind these clothes."

Sean was too tired to argue. He comes out of the car while Wangji is still in his arms.

Wangji locks his leg around the waist of Sean. They are walking straight. Girls were cooing at the sight. It's kinda of romantic.

Wangji peeked at his surroundings, and he felt shy as he could feel his eyes on himself.

"What are we doing here?" Wangji whispers in Sean's ear.

"Surprise!" Sean whispers back. Both enter a cafe...

"Are you not going to leave me? You sit here and order me what pastry you want" Sean uttered.

Wangji adjusts himself on the seat and orders Sean for chocolate pastry. Sean gives his order to the waiter.

Sooner their pastry arrives. They enjoy it

"I thought you gonna throw me in the animal centre but see I am eating pastry," Wangji uttereded With a cute smile

"I still have that plan but I don't want to throw a hungry dog in the animal take-care centre. You know na, wild dogs are very dangerous" Sean uttered with a wicked smirk.

Wangji try to beat him with his spoon but Sean act faster and save himself.

After some chit-chat, they went to parking zone. They sit inside the car and Sean start the car and drive toward the home.

After 20 mins later~

They finally arrived. Wangji is very excited to Meet everyone. They walk toward the gate. Wangji open the door and saw the darkness. He wonder why there is so dark here? Where is everyone?

"Shijie, Lusi jie, Yuchen gege, Cheng gege, Ling, where are you? Sean gege where are they went?"

Then he heard the party boom and saw the decoration.

Everyone shouted. Wangji was shocked. He didn't expect this. This was unexpected.  His eyes cover in tears. The sight was very warming and comfortable. 

Wangji never feel that Lan's mansion as a home but this house is his home. The warm of members, they take care of him , which he never experienced in Lan mansion after his mother death...

Wangji can proudly say that they are his family.


Ni Hao!!! Princess and babygirls.

I kept my promise.
Enjoy reading and ignore grammatical mistakes.

Guys, Are you into the modern royal au? I am thinking to write it soon


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