Until You Dm'd Me CH.2

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Plasmafer woke up and realized the call had ended. Feeling a bit sad but realized he was going to run late for work if he didn't hurry up. "Aw shit I'm gonna be late!" Plas scurried to get dressed and at least his hair a little bit to make it look a bit nice.

Plasmafer made it to work and started attempting to seem alive and happy with the customers at the local grocery store where he currently works.

EMC had been awake but was waiting for a call or maybe a good morning message from Plasmafer. This aching feeling was hurting for some reason he'd never felt this before. Deciding to get onto VRChat to record some videos to at least try to fix his uploading schedule.

Putting on the straps and getting ready to record scrolling the TikTok audio not sure of what to do or what to pick. Until a somewhat familiar song started playing "Till you DM'd me" EMC sang softly.

An idea clicked in his head standing up quickly getting ready to record. Grabbing the VRChat camera and hitting record deciding to do a sad rant about being single but wanting someone. He wasn't even sure of his sexuality how would he know who or what to find to love him?

His trackers soon died as he was putting them up to charge and ready for a painful hour or two of editing the videos he recorded. He heard his discord going off. Rushing over to answer it not knowing who it could be. Hitting the call button without looking.

"Hey hey, what's up?" He talked first waiting for the other end to answer. "Hey EMC I'm finally home from work," Plasmafer could finally sigh in relief. "God damn my trackers just died I was recording" EMC was sad he had to wait at least an hour to get good play time to hang out with Plasmafer. "Idiot we were supposed to record tonight!" Plasmafer laughed at him a little bit for forgetting what they planned

"Oh shit! I'm so sorry!" EMC exclaimed feeling a bit dumb for forgetting what they planned to do less than 12 hours ago. "But while we wait might as well talk since we are on call.. how was work?" EMC wondered"As almost all work is." Plas paused for a bit and breathed. "Very tiring and you know work is work." Plasmafer was hiding something and didn't want to open up not just yet. "Aww well maybe we can play some CS:GO? If you have it. I haven't met a person that doesn't."

"Of course I have it. Have you not met me?" Plasmafer and EMC chuckled at the snarky response as they both opened up the game. Adding each other on Steam. Every now and then you'd hear a scream of either enjoyment or anger from one of the two. "God damn that guy is wall hacking" Plasmafer became irritated but just trying to enjoy their time together and not be bothered by all of this.

"Maybe you just suck" EMC replied before raging himself and wanting to shatter something but didn't. "Okay well maybe I do but I'm higher than you on the scoreboard so maybe you're trash!" Plasmafer clapped back quickly trying to have a high gaming ego.

Soon the round ended and they were, you could say having an E date through the call. Both eating pizza rolls and watching theory videos attempting to theorize before the professional did it.

"See Ha! I told you he was the killer I'm right!" Plamafer yelled and jumped up excitedly. He stuck his tongue out at EMC even though he couldn't see it. "Well, I think my theory was still pretty good if I do say so myself!" EMC horribly and I mean horribly failed at an elder time British rich guy accent but hey it made Plas laugh and that's all he was going for.

"Okay, but it's late don't have work tomorrow EMC?" Plas remembered EMC saying something that had to do with work and something about tomorrow in the same sentence.

"Oh crap you're right! I have to wake up in 5 hours I have to head to bed. I'll stay in call just in case you're scared sore loser" EMC teased him and took off his headset and plopped into bed quickly enjoying the soft sheets he had recently washed.

"Well, I'm gonna pass out soon too EMC sleep well!" Plasmafer responded knowing EMC couldn't hear him anymore sighed and muttered "Why do you make me feel this way?" Plasmafer took and got into his pajamas plopping into bed and enjoying the comfort of the warm fuzzy feeling of slipping off into dream land hoping it was about EMC.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06 ⏰

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