More than anything

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"Who ?" Both Lucifer and Andria said simultaneously looking at the short woman who'd just interrupted Alastor and Lucifer's song

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"Who ?" Both Lucifer and Andria said simultaneously looking at the short woman who'd just interrupted Alastor and Lucifer's song.

" Didn't you just hear me ?" Mimzy asked the group who still, aside from Alastor and Husk, looked confused, " Why's everybody gawking ? Is it cause I'm adorable ?" Alastor was the first to speak to the stranger.

"Mimzy !"

"Alastor ! Sweetie, doll-face ! So good to see you . How you been ? Good ? Good !" The two embraced each other, much to Andria's disliking. " Listen I was in the neighborhood. I heard you were staying at this ritzy slob factory, and I figured I'd stop by, say hi ! For old times sake."

"Of course, sweetheart. Everyone is welcome here." At this point, Andria had had enough of this woman already, she walked up and stood next to Alastor , holding his arm possessively.

"Alastor, love, who's this ?" Andria asked, eyeing the shorter woman like death.

"Andria, my love, this is Mimzy. Mimzy, this is my girlfriend, Andria." Alastor said introducing the two.

"Oh so you're the girl Al's been ranting about. Well, I must hand it to ya, Al, you picked a good one. Quite easy on the eyes. Ya know you're the only girl he can't shut up about. He's smitten." Mimzy said to Andria as if they were old friends.

"Oh is he ?" Andria said raising an eyebrow as she looked at her boyfriend.

"Oh how nice ! So you two know each other ?" Charlie said joining the conversation.

" Oh yeah. We go way back ! Ran in the same circles when we were alive. You know, this one used to frequent the club where I used to perform. He's the only one I knew who could pound whiskey like a sailor and then keep up with me on the dance floor !"

"Oh quite a talent this gal. Ho, ho you should've seen her in her heyday."

"Hey, watch it tall, dark and creepy. I'm still in my prime ! In all these years you've been the only one who was lucky enough to snag his attention, girly and if I know Alastor he ain't going anywhere ! Ya stuck with him tootz." Mimzy told Andria.

"Well, that's good to know because I wasn't planning on letting him leave anytime soon."

"Ha ! I see why likes ya !" Mimzy then saw Lucifer, " Oh, oh my stars ! Is that Lucifer ? Move it ! Pleased to meetcha, your highness. Alastor, you gotta warn a girl when she's in mixed company."

"Charmed, I'm sure." Lucifer replied

" As much as I'd love to catch up, Charlie, Andria and I have a tour to continue." Alastor spoke up

" I'm sure they can handle showing me around." Lucifer said pushing his daughters in front of him

"Nonsense ! The three of us stared the hotel together and we'll show it off together ! Right, darling ?" Alastor said to Andria.

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