Part 1

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"It's almost done! Keep going, MC, we can do it!"

Peter, a friend from the YBF universe, continued with his words of encouragement as he helped MC, who was coding furiously and frantically, doing his best to reset Sayori, Yuri, and Natsuki.

MC: "Almost there...I just gotta-- "

Suddenly, the boys' progress was deleted back from 80% to 50%.

Peter: What in the-- ?

A ghostly digital hand grabs the monitor as if someone was trying to break through the monitor. Slowly rising, a mysterious and intimidating woman, known as Libitina, shows herself.

MC: W-who are you...?

Libitina: It matters not what my identity is, human... You have meddled with affairs that should have been left untouched...

She then turns her cold stare towards Peter.

Libitina: And YOU... You don't belong in this world... Such impurities like this must all be corrupted before nonexistence... This is how life in this universe must thrive...

MC: How can you say that?! They may be characters, but they're still alive in their own way!

Peter: Yeah! They've grown setinent, and you're just toying with their lives like puppets and throwing them away like trash! It's inhuman!!

Libitina's glare grows more cold as she stares down at Peter and MC.

Libitina: Such small words for two very useless men...

She then brings in silhouettes of Monika, Sayori, Yuri, and Natsuki hanging.

Libitina: These ladies are under my suggestion. My program. Their lives... are what I decide to do. You both will not dare to reverse their fate. This is their reality. Now... disappear.

Suddenly, the 50% progress of the coding started dropping on all four of the girls. They were slowly returning back to corruption again.

Peter and MC: No!!!

MC began having flashbacks of all the fun times he had with the girls, despite how things ended previously. Peter turns to him with a nod, determined to save everyone as he rests a hand on MC's shoulder.

Peter: Don't worry, MC... I won't let Libitina corrupt and delete them, either. As long as we work together, they WILL be saved.

And with that, the two boys get to coding as fast as they can.

The fight between real life and ai begins now. With the installment gone, Libitina plans to erase the Literature Club's existence, but MC and Peter won't let the girls die in a corrupted mess of their former selves. If they were going to be saved, the two of them will have to continue working together to finish the coding 100% to break them free of Libitina's puppet strings...

To be continued.

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