Chapter 20 -22

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Chapter 20: The End of an Era

With Harry's passing, the wizarding world mourned the loss of a true hero. Tributes poured in from far and wide, honoring his memory and the countless lives he had touched.

At Hogwarts, a memorial was erected in his honor, a testament to his bravery and selflessness. Students and teachers alike paid their respects, remembering the man who had shaped the course of history with his unwavering courage and indomitable spirit.

Chapter 21: A New Dawn

As the years passed, the wounds left by Harry's absence began to heal, and the wizarding world entered a new era of peace and prosperity. His legacy lived on in the hearts of those who had known him, inspiring future generations to follow in his footsteps and stand up for what is right.

And though Harry was gone, his spirit remained ever-present, guiding and protecting those who still faced the challenges of an uncertain world. For as long as there were those willing to fight for justice and defend the innocent, Harry's legacy would endure, a beacon of hope in even the darkest of times.

Chapter 22: The Journey Continues

And so, the story of Harry Potter came to a close, but the journey of the wizarding world continued, filled with new adventures, new challenges, and new heroes waiting to rise to the occasion.

But wherever the road may lead, one thing remained certain - the memory of Harry Potter would never fade, his legacy living on in the hearts of all who knew him, a reminder of the power of courage, friendship, and love to overcome even the greatest of obstacles

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